Lint, in particular, heavily relies on Nullable{Any} where the element can be nothing. Member quinnj commented Aug 15, 2017 Sure, that's fine @TotalVerb. @ararslan, it's not really another meaning to Void, it shouldn't even be that visible/used by end users. It's just a "not ...
Ultimately as much as it makes life more difficult in some ways, in SQL we do need the concept 'unknown value'. 👍5 ganigeorgiev commented on Feb 13, 2023 ganigeorgiev on Feb 13, 2023 MemberAuthor @yawaramin I agree that null could have a meaning depending on the context, but it...
I'm curious about the process of utilizing a insert nullable DateTime and converting it into a Sql via a dbcommand Parameter. How can this be achieved? (Note: Sql column can also be null.) DateTime? myDate = null; DbCommand dbCommand = new DbCommand(); dbCommand.Parameters.Add("Nulla...
private void PopulateGallery(string? productId) The type 'string' must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'System.Nullable<T>' All replies (5) Wednesday, January 25, 2012 6:32 PM ✅Answered ...
Finding code smells using SQL Prompt: TOP without ORDER BY in a SELECT statement (BP006) Using TOP in a SELECT statement, without a subsequent ORDER BY clause, is legal in SQL Server, but meaningless because asking for the TOP x rows implies that the data is guara...
sqlalchemy : None tables : None tabulate : None xarray : None xlrd : None zstandard : 0.21.0 tzdata : 2023.3 qtpy : 2.3.1 pyqt5 : None soerenwolfersaddedBugNeeds TriageIssue that has not been reviewed by a pandas team memberlabelsJan 11, 2024 ...