有时候流水线能够找到空指针问题 会报以下错误 Null passed for non-null parameter of XXX 这个时候就需要使用@nullable注解,放到方法上进行一步一步定位,很快就能找到问题
final MapSqlParameterSource paramMap = new MapSqlParameterSource() .addValue("ALERT_ID", null); In my case "null" passed as parameter to db is correct. CodeWarning NPNull passed for non-null parameter of org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource.addValue(String, Object) ...
1.查询为空的字段 我们查询某个字段为空的数据时,在mysql中: select eid,ent_name from ent_search where enttype_code is NULL; 在elasticsearch中,我们使用的api为exists,这个查询是:查询这个字段为空的或者没有这个字段的: GET ent_search/_search { "_source": ["eid","ent_name"], "qu...
OC中定义的方法参数默认是不为空的,如果能够为空需要手动指定__nullable ,我想这个警告是提示开发者警惕可能空参数
Hi, my app runs but I get this warning /Users/riyanpratama/Documents/XCODE/myAMSlideMenu/myAMSlideMenu/AMSlideMenu/AMSlideMenuContentSegue.m:53:33: Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument It points to AMSlideMenuContent...
Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument 2020-05-06 13:52 −... 柳仙慧子 0 1475 laravel jwt 报错 Argument 3 passed to Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Hmac::doVerify() must be an instance of Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key, null given ...
As a result, your test for null is never evaluated. The following example defines a Pages object that caches information about web pages, which are presented by Page objects. The Example.Main method checks whether the current web page has a non-null title and, if it does, displays the ...
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNullthrows when the passed argument isnull. Certain constructs like non-nullable structs (except forNullable<T>), type parameters known to be non-nullable structs, 'nameof()' expressions, and 'new' expressions are known to never be null, soArgumentNullException.ThrowIf...
Now, the fun begins. The code I created for the textbox control is shown inFigure 1. The first step in generating the code was figuring out how to deal with the null values. If you try to place a null value (such as DBNull) in a string, an error is thrown. This makes for...
Gets a value that indicates whether null should be passed to the converter on serialization, and whether Null should be passed on deserialization.