In Microsoft Word you can type the null hypothesis symbol, which is the letter H followed by the numeral 0 as a subscript using the subscript button in the Home tab, or you can use a keyboard shortcut to apply the subscript format. Note that after typing the zero as a subscript, any ...
you first need to understand what the null hypothesis means. The word hypothesis means a working statement. In statistics, we’re interestedinproving whether a working statement (the null hypothesis)istrueorfalse. Usually, these working statements are things that are expected to be true —...
How to Type a Cubed Symbol Step 4 Type a "0" to create a null hypothesis symbol or "1" to create an alternative hypothesis symbol. Alternatively, type an "o" or "a" to represent the null and alternative hypotheses, respectively, although these symbols are not as frequently used...
* @return the last symbol of this word. */ @Nullable publicI lastSymbol(){ returngetSymbol(length()-1); } 代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api /** * Retrieves the last symbol of this word. * * @return the last symbol of this word. */ @Nullable publicI lastSymbol()...
Word<I>suffix=ceWord.suffix(i); unclosed=table.addSuffix(suffix,oracle); if(!unclosed.isEmpty()){ break; } } returnunclosed; } 代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib /** * Determines the longest commonsuffixof this word and another word. ...
(i) According to the hypothesis, we have < u , t ( s ) > = cosh ϑ = c o n s t . , < u , n > = 0 , with u 2 = 1 , (48) for a given real number ϑ . Consequently, we have u = cosh ϑ t + sinh ϑ b , κ cosh ϑ + τ sinh ϑ = 0 . (...