“null check operator used on a null value”错误解析 1. 错误含义 “null check operator used on a null value”错误表明在代码中使用了空值检查操作符(null check operator)在一个实际上为null的值上。这种操作会导致运行时异常,因为空值检查操作符假定其操作数不会是null。如果操作数为null,则抛出此错误。
we encounter since two weeks this excpetions _TypeError: Null check operator used on a null value File "framework.dart", line 5606, in StatefulElement.state File "framework.dart", line 4831, in Element.findAncestorStateOfType File "scaffold.dart", line 62, in _WcScaffoldState.didChangeDepend...
Unhandled exception: Crash when compiling: Null check operator used on a null value #0 CfeEnumOperations.getEnumElementValue (package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/exhaustiveness.dart:323) #1 EnumInfo._createEnumElements (package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/exhaustiveness/types/enum.dart:60) #2 EnumInfo...
Greendao 条件查询数据报错 the bind value at index 2 is null 导致报错的方法: xxxDao.queryBuilder...
) … 先说下解决方法:就是对以上的方法的调用传入的 value值做空判断。 比如: xxxDao.queryB ...
但是如果网络数据响应时间变长,而且快速的进出页面,就会报错Null check operator used on a null value。 具体报错原因:由于快速的进出页面,当数据返回时,get内部已经delete了logic, 然后再重新创建新的 GetBuilder<GetIndexLogic>( builder: (_) {returnListView.builder( ...
Null check operator used on a null value dart/flutter I am struggling to figure out an issue with a null check operator. For one, my code is the exact same in another area of my program and I am getting data just fine from it. I have gone over it and over it for the last two ...
_CastError (Null check operator used on a null value) What do I do then? I put comments in the code. import'package:flutter/material.dart';import;import'package:provider/provider.dart';classBrewListextendsStatefulWidget{constBrewList({Key? key}) :super(key: key);@overrideState<BrewList> cr...
C# IndexOf 报错 值不能为null,参数名value,C#IndexOf报错值不能为null,参数名value 原因就是IndexOf 方法中传了null 就把这个错误! 值不能为null。参数名:s赋值也会报上面的错.JsonText="未能从程序集“”中加类型“”"
) … 先说下解决方法:就是对以上的方法的调用传入的 value值做空判断。 比如: xxxDao.queryB ...