(Google has been developing a Google Earth VR API, but they have denied my application to develop on it, because they are interested primarily in video game developers at this point. Sigh.) If you're a software developer with other ideas or connections with companies who could facilitate ...
I have in the past made maps of this sort for use in teaching, when I want to emphasize how “impressive” the first hydrogen bomb was when compared to the first atomic bombs. If you dropped a Fat Man-style bomb onto downtown Boston,the results wouldn’t be pretty, but the effects w...
Anyway, more is on the horizon, as ever, and it is just a matter of figuring out how to get it all done. More NUKEMAP, more NUKEMAP-like creations, more work. I’m grateful for NUKEMAP: what started out a literally two-day coding job (one resting, of course, on a decade of codi...