将机器人消灭后,去到里面的核子太空港(Starport Nuka),互动打开玻璃门,进去后调查星际控制台主机(Star control mainframe),但是发现主机需要至少一个星核(Star core)才能够启动。在机器旁边能看到一个叫肯德尔·奥斯顿(Kendell Alston)的尸体,在其旁边即可得到一个星核(Star core)。回到主机启动它,更新出需要寻找星核...
Jae Campbell. "Port of Call: Nukaush."Signal-GK 10(1995): 4-13. via.HIWG Marc Miller.First Survey(Imperium Games, 1996), 79. Jae Campbell.Encyclopaedia Dagudashaag(Signal-GK, 2017), 266. ↑"Jump Map API" andmap locationfromTravellermap.com...
1.1Primitives: When you access a primitive type you work directly on its value. string number boolean null undefined symbol constfoo=1;letbar=foo;bar=9;console.log(foo,bar);// => 1, 9 Symbols cannot be faithfully polyfilled, so they should not be used when targeting browsers/environments ...