2076年10月,装瓶厂(Bottling plant)的安全饮料工程师实验室(Secure Beverageer Laboratory)化学武器项目负责人雷克斯·米德查姆(Rex Meacham)报告说,团队创造了一种锶-90(strontium-90)的同位素,可以可靠地进行武器化,还可作为动力装甲(Power Armor)的涂层,还可制作出一种典型的M42胖子核弹(M42 Fat Man),甚至可以安...
在员工办公室,桌子上能拿到一本动力可乐配方(Nuka-Power recipe),桌子上还有核子世界电厂:员工终端机(Nuka-World power: employee terminal)。 核子世界电厂:员工终端机(Nuka-World power: employee terminal):“核子可乐企业(Nuka-Cola Corporation)财产。核子世界电厂(Nuka-World Power):员工站003(Employee Station 0...
Nuka-World is a pre-War amusement park turned raider settlement in 2287. It is in Massachusetts, west of Boston.[1] After Nuka-Cola's success on the national market in 2044, the Nuka-Cola Corporation opened its own soda-themed amusement park, Nuka-World,
The central theme of the mod is Nuka-World! But also to other extra stuff like some playable Fallout World comic book characters. Added:New playable characters1 Tile of Nuka World5 Mission Cards Items including: weapons (Thirst Zapper), armor (Nuka-Cola Power Armor, Quantum X01 Armor) and...
Nuka-World X-01 Quantum Armor Atomic Shop Nuka-Dark Paint Atomic Shop Nukashine Power Armor Paint Atomic Shop Nuka-Cola Classic Power Armor Paintjob References ↑TheSole Survivor:"It was everything you promised, sheriff. More fun than a bale full of hay." ...
The Thirst Zapper is a weapon in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka World. An "energy" weapon that "fires" a squirt of water, with a handle and a barrel in the shape of a Nuka-Cola bottle. It initially does no direct damage at all, thus not feasible as an actual
一、 核子世界转运站(Nuka-World transit center)装了核子世界(Nuka-World)DLC后,就会自动接取到“请上车”的任务,在哔哔小子(Pip Boy)中打开电台,选择核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)。核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)广播内容包括核子世界主题曲(Nuka-World theme song)的浓缩摘录,接着是...
There are so many geeky mood lamps to choose from these days. There’s this newFallout Nuka-Cola Quantum Mood Light, as well as theInfinity Gauntlet,Death Star,Overwatch Loot Box, andStar Trek Phaser-Controlled Rockmood lamps. They’re all pretty cool, and it’s just a matter of your ...
战前,核子世界发电厂(Nuka World Power plant)的负责人是A·巴克力(A. Buckley)和N·奥图(N. Otto),下属员工还有C·卡森(C. Carlson)、T·雷诺(T. Reynolds)、T·拉森(T. Larson)和桑德(Saunders)。C·卡森(C. Carlson)和他的团队奉命对2077年4月28日发生在核子世界电厂(Nuka-World power plant)的7级...
8、 核子世界发电厂(Nuka World Power plant)战前,核子世界发电厂(Nuka World Power plant)的负责人是A·巴克力(A. Buckley)和N·奥图(N. Otto),下属员工还有C·卡森(C. Carlson)、T·雷诺(T. Reynolds)、T·拉森(T. Larson)和桑德(Saunders)。C·卡森(C. Carlson)和他的团队奉命对2077年4月28日发生...