Nuka-World is a pre-War amusement park turned raider settlement in 2287. It is in Massachusetts, west of Boston.[1] After Nuka-Cola's success on the national market in 2044, the Nuka-Cola Corporation opened its own soda-themed amusement park, Nuka-World,
The Nuka-World on Tour update is now available and free for allFallout 76players. The travelling road show has officially set up permanent residence in Appalachia! Head to the fairgrounds in the Ash Heap region to find new Public Events, square off against the monstrous Ultracite Titan, try g...
The final item on the roadmap is Nuka World on Tour. “A traveling roadshow making a stop in the area, toting along a new Season, Public Events and region boss,” Bethesda explains. Fallout 76is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Matthew Bennett Matt is one of the lo...
The Nuka-World on Tour update is now available and free for all Fallout 76 players. More information on the Fallout 76 Nuka-World Tour update can be found on the game'sofficial website. Fallout 76 is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One worldwide. Bethesda Game Studios, th...
Winter - Nuka-World On Tour The Fizziest Show on Earth has kicked the irradiated dust off the tires and hit the road. Next stop Appalachia! Referencing the DLC from Fallout 4 (all of the updates seem to reference past DLC), this looks like they're taking the soda-based Disney parody ...