尸鬼(Ghoul)的原因并非全是因辐尘(Fallout)、风暴(Storm),更重要的原因是装瓶厂(Bottling Plant)饮料实验室(Secure beverageer lab)里米德查姆(Meacham)等人秘密实施的钴项目(Project Cobalt)实验造成的结果,——核战前,饮料工程师米德查姆(Meacham)等人秘密研究量子武器,将试验反应炉的高辐射废水通过紧急溢流管道排到...
房间北边有保险箱(高级锁)、大工具箱,核子可乐自动售卖机(Nuka-Cola machine)里有石英可乐(Nuka-Cola Quartz);控制主机上有葡萄可乐(Nuka-Grape)、胜利可乐(Nuka-Cola Victory)和核子电玩游乐场票券(Nuka-Cade ticket),还有一台核子世界电厂:监管终端机(Nuka-World power: oversight terminal): 核子世界电厂:监管...
Gear up and prepare for a showdown like never before. GET A HIGH SCORE IN THE NUKACADE! Take a break from the new Public Events or massive Ultracite Titan and visit the Nukacade to try your hand at carnival games that are sure to be fun for the whole family! It’s got all your f...
Los visitantes de Nuka-World on Tour también podrán gastar Caps en Nukacade, compitiendo en juegos para obtener esa tan codiciada puntuación e incluso ganar premios como sus propios juegos de arcade para disfrutar en sus C.A.M.P. Por último, Ultracite Titan acecha debajo del recinto fer...
Nuka-World is a pre-War amusement park turned raider settlement in 2287. It is in Massachusetts, west of Boston.[1] After Nuka-Cola's success on the national market in 2044, the Nuka-Cola Corporation opened its own soda-themed amusement park, Nuka-World,
The souvenir drinking glass is a junk item in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World. The souvenir drinking glass is a red and yellow-painted glass with Nuka-World printed on the side, specifically used by the Nuka-Cola Corporation as a promotional product. The
一、 核子世界转运站(Nuka-World transit center)装了核子世界(Nuka-World)DLC后,就会自动接取到“请上车”的任务,在哔哔小子(Pip Boy)中打开电台,选择核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)。核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)广播内容包括核子世界主题曲(Nuka-World theme song)的浓缩摘录,接着是...
The traveling road show, Nuka-World on Tour, has officially set up permanent residence in Appalachia! Head to the fairgrounds in the Ash Heap region to find new Public Events, square off against the monstrous Ultracite Titan, try games of skill in the Nukacade, meet new characters, earn rew...
The Thirst Zapper is a weapon in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka World. An "energy" weapon that "fires" a squirt of water, with a handle and a barrel in the shape of a Nuka-Cola bottle. It initially does no direct damage at all, thus not feasible as an actual
The Nuka-Cola Corporation[4][5][6] was a pre-War beverage corporation founded and led by its CEO John-Caleb Bradberton, best known for its flagship product, Nuka-Cola. By the time of the Great War it was the single largest beverage corporation in the Uni