Nujiang 英 释义 River 怒江(旧译 Nu Kiang); [地名] [中国] 怒江 实用场景例句 全部 The Nujiang is called The Angry River. 怒江之名意为愤怒的河流. 互联网 Along with the arising of argument about Nujiang exploitation, most people look on this question objectively. 随着怒江开发争论的兴起, 人们...
相似短语 Nujiang River 怒江 相似单词 Nujiang River 怒江(旧译 Nu Kiang) nujiang River 怒江(旧译 Nu Kiang) 最新单词 beatification的中文意思 n. 授福,受福,列福式 beatific的中文释义 a. 祝福的,幸福的,快乐的 beater是什么意思 n. 打的人,赶出猎物的人,搅拌器 beat-up的中文意思 a. 破旧...
The Shipiao Hot Spring is the most wondrous natural bath pool in Nujiang Gorge. 石瓢温泉是怒江峡谷中最神奇的天然澡塘。 9. Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future. 大西线南水北调只是设想,将来需...
“我是云南的,云南怒江的,怒江泸水市,泸水市六库,六库傈僳族……”朋友,您是否还记得这段火遍全网歌曲?您是否通过歌曲中的一连串的方言,开始认识怒江,认识傈僳族? 怒江,因其境内气势汹涌、奔腾咆哮的怒江穿流而过而得名,是全国唯一的傈僳族自治州,也是中国民...
Nujiang of the Lisu Autonomous Prefecture 别名 怒江州 行政区类别 自治州 所属地区 中国西南云南省 下辖地区 泸水县、福贡县、贡山独龙族怒族自治县、兰坪白族普米族自治县 政府驻地 泸水县六库镇 电话区号 0886 邮政区码 673200 地理位置 云南西部边陲,邻接缅甸 ...
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, on the northwest of Yunnan Province, was named after the Nujiang River, which runs through it from north to south. The river's name can also be translated to "Angry River," since its sounds and murmurs can be heard miles away due to abun...
Nujiang Facts Chinese Name: 怒江傈僳族自治州 (nù jiāng lì sù zú zì zhì zhōu) Population: 557,000 Area: 14,703 square kilometers (5,677 square miles) Location: in the northwest of Yunnan, southwest China Administrative Division: 1 county-level city (Lushui); 1 county (Fugong); 2...
The Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China's Yunnan Province used to be one of the country's poorest areas. The highway here, which was built in 2019, stretches almost 300 kilometers. It's dubbed the "beautiful road," making it a lot easier for tourist g...
网站首页 服务器 Ip地址: 服务器地址: 服务器类型: *** 页面类型: text/html 响应时间:350毫秒 域名 域名 域名注册商:厦门易名科技有限公司(原厦门易名网络科技有限公司) 域名服务器: 创建时间:2005年04月02日 到期时间:2021年04月02...
怒江,这条奔腾而下的河流,有着与生俱来的原始野生美感。仿佛是大自然的画笔,在山脉间勾勒出一幅壮丽的景色。站在观景台上,俯瞰着怒江的壮丽景色,仿佛能听到它的呼唤。 Nujiang River, this rushing river, possesses an inherent primitive and wild beauty. As if nature's brush, it outlines a magnificent ...