kayhayen changed the title Error: ld.exe: cannot find ltrans0.ltrans.o: No such file or directory Windows and MinGW64: Error: ld.exe: cannot find ltrans0.ltrans.o: No such file or directory Aug 29, 2022 Author michaellcader commented Aug 30, 2022 I have downloaded the latest versi...
c:/users/admin/appdata/local/nuitka/nuitka/gcc/x86_64/11.2.0-12.0.1-9.0.0-r1/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/11.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\ccpqfFcm.ltrans4.ltrans.o: No such file or directo...
1-D.命令中过长的文件地址名称引发的问题 比如有些同学是这样写的命令行 nuitka --standalone --windows-disable-console --mingw64 --nofollow-imports --plugin-enable=tk-inter --show-memory --show-progress --recurse-all --output-dir=o c:\temp\user\_all\index.py 这样写是错的,当这样运行的时...
Step 1: 依次点击File=>Settings(或快捷键Ctrl+Alt+S),打开Settings选项卡。 Step 2: 依次点击Project XXX=>Project Interpreter(XXX为项目名称),可以看到当前使用的Python解释器和安装的包;继续点击设置=>Add,打开Add Python Interpreter选项卡。 Step 3: 按照下图中1和2操作,打开Select Python Interpreter选项卡;...
python -m nuitka --onefile file.py This will produce a single executable file which can be distributed. It’s more compact, though its load time will be a bit longer than Standalone as the EXE will unpack itself first (in a temporary directory). ...
The callside_effect_having()`will have to be retained though, but theprintstatement does not and can be turned into an explicit raise. The statement sequence can then be aborted and as such thesomething_elsecall needs no code generation or consideration anymore. ...
--standalone: Easy to transplant to other machines , No more installation python * --show-memory --show-progress: Show the progress of the whole installation * --nofollow-imports: Do not compile all of the import, such as keras,numpy Something like that . ...
The statement sequence can then be aborted and as such the something_else call needs no code generation or consideration anymore. To that end, Nuitka works with a special node that raises an exception and is wrapped with a so-called "side_effects" expression, but yet can be used in the ...
kayhayen changed the title Windows and MinGW64: Error: ld.exe: cannot find ltrans0.ltrans.o: No such file or directory Windows and custom MinGW64 gives "Error: ld.exe: cannot find ltrans0.ltrans.o: No such file or directory" -> use the downloaded one instead Feb 18, 2023 kayhayen...
> ls ./build/test.dist/_cffi_backend.so ls: ./build/test.dist/_cffi_backend.so: No such file or directory Running the same build using platform arm64 python3 -m nuitka --macos-target-arch=arm64 --macos-signed-app-name=test --output-filename=test --remove-output --standalone --ou...