国籍/会籍: 波黑 惯用脚: - 出生日期: 2000-08-11 位置: 中场 身高: - 所属球队: FC克鲁帕(波黑地区) 体重: - 合同截至日期: - 球员简介: Alen·Nuhanovic(Alen Nuhanovic),出生于2000-08-11,波黑足球运动员,目前效力于波黑地区 FC克鲁帕,Alen·Nuhanovic在球队中司职擅长中场,球衣号码为:19。
The Shame of Srebrenica/Warren Beatty/Classic: Genius (II) 粉丝 暂无 累计票房 暂无 猫眼电影>电影>Hasan Nuhanovic 介绍 身份 演员 作品 (3部) 2020年 艾达,怎么了? 编剧 1999年 60分钟时事杂志2 演员饰:Himself - Translator (segment "The Shame of Srebrenica") ...
英文名:Sandi Nuhanovic 国籍:斯洛文尼亚 体重:kg 身高:180cm 生日:1998-12-05 惯用脚:右脚 预计身价:30万英镑 现效力球队 现效力球队球衣号码位置 布拉沃佩利根8中前卫 球员转会记录 转会赛季转会时间合同到期来自去向转会费类型 2023-20242024-01-30-雷都米结慕拉-完全所有 ...
簡體名: 梅林·努哈诺维奇 報錯編輯 繁體名: M.奴漢諾維 英文名: Merlin Nuhanovic 國籍: 瑞典 體重: 身高: 183 生日: 1999-12-10 慣用腳: 預計身價: 4.5萬英鎊 現效力球隊 暫無數據 球員轉會記錄 暫無數據 近兩年數據 詳細數據統計 暫無數據 球員榮譽 暫無數據 球員簡介 暫無數據...
Natasha Nuhanovic. Producer: Close the Door. Natasha Nuhanovic is both a writer and director. She was born on April 3, 1984 in Zagreb, Croatia and resides in Montreal, Canada. With her father's side rooted in Bosnia, her mother's in Croatia and Serbia, s
GoodReadsElyse WalterI'm glad I read this book – (Natasa Nuhanovic is 'very' talented making every sentence count)... one that somehow carried the lightness of a fairytale... from being so highly imaginable – and simmering in memories... but I do admit her delicately poetic style was...
News Hasan Nuhanovic ‘Quo Vadis, Aida?’ Director on Why Art Is Necessary to Confront Tragedy This story about “Quo Vadis, Aida?” was drawn from an interview conducted for the Down to the Wire issue of TheWrap’s awards magazine.Director Jasmila Žbanić spent years hoping that ...
Natasha Nuhanovic Edit page Add to list Track Producer, Director, WriterContacts Become a member to see Natasha Nuhanovic's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Natasha Nuhanovic Edit page Add to list Track Producer, Director, Writer...
Natasha Nuhanovic Edit pageAdd to list Track Producer, Director, Writer Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Connections Clients News Credits 1 title Past Film & Video(1 title)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide)...