单击“Online Gallery”(联机库)选项卡查看可用的 Visual Studio 扩展名,如图 1中所示。 如您所见,NuGet 位于第一个屏幕,是排名最高的程序包。 如果情况不是如此,您可以使用右上角的搜索框找到它。 单击“Download”(下载)按钮安装 NuGet。 图1:Visual Studio Extension Manager ...
下载地址:http://npe.codeplex.com/ 点击download会自动跳转到下面的地址 https://npe.codeplex.com/releases/clickOnce/NuGetPackageExplorer.application 双击运行 创建新的package 将你的dll文件直接拖到右侧框框里 选择yes 完了之后,左上角File—Publish 点击Publish,会报错:Failed to process request:’Access deni...
nuget push xxx.1.0.x.nupkg, 发布 4. 发布包方案二:使用NuGetPackageExplorer 参考:https://github.com/NuGetPackageExplorer/NuGetPackageExplorer (1)安装并运行:Microsoft Store > NuGet Package Explorer (2)新建包 > 添加文件夹/文件 可添加的目录类别包括: (3)发布,填写入你的key 5. 安装测试 在vs>...
删除需要用到nuget.exe 下载:https://www.nuget.org/downloads commands doc:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/cli-ref-delete 定位到nuget.exe所在目录,执行: $nuget.exe delete <packageID> <packageVersion> [options] 如这里删除Test.Model 这个包的1.0.0版本,则为: $./nuget.exe del...
您可以从https://www.nuget.org/downloads的网站上下载适用于您的操作系统的版本。 ●打开 NuGet Package Explorer 工具。 ●在工具的菜单栏上选择 File -> New -> Package,创建一个新的空白 NuGet 包。 ●在左侧的资源管理器窗口中,找到您想要合并的 .nupkg 文件所在的路径。
on Windows can also explore theNuGet Package Explorer. This application is an open-source standalone tool that lets you visually explore, create, and edit NuGet packages. It's helpful for many scenarios, such as making experimental changes to a package structure without rebuilding the package. ...
Open-source platform for building cross-platform native Mobile, Web, Desktop and Embedded apps quickly. Create rich, C#/XAML, single-codebase apps from any IDE. Hot Reload included! 90m+ NuGet Downloads!! - unoplatform/uno
在https://www.nuget.org/downloads 下载最新的 Nuget 软件 通过输入 Nuget 命令创建 LerewararraNurfabeyo.nuspec 文件,这个命令请看NuGet CLI spec command nuget spec LerewararraNurfabeyo.csproj ...
Load a project in Solution Explorer, and then select Project > Manage NuGet Packages. The NuGet Package Manager window opens. Select the Browse tab to display packages by popularity from the currently selected source (see Package sources). To search for a specific package, use the search box...
Adds a reference to the package in the project file and inSolution Explorerunder theReferencesnode. You must save the project before you can see the changes in the project file. By default,Install-Packageadds the package to the default project the console window specifies. To add the package ...