The missing file is ..\packages\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.21\build\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets.BUT when I look into the folder of:..\packages\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.21\buildI do see the file: Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets.Both package restore options within package manager settings are ticked/...
'EnableNuGetPackageRestore' to 'true'. Missing packages: {name} 此錯誤指出您的 NuGet 組態已停用套件還原。 您可以在 Visual Studio 中變更適用的設定,如先前在適用於 Visual Studio 使用者的快速解決方案所述。 您也可以直接在適用的nuget.config檔案上編輯這些設定 (在 Windows 上通常為%AppData%\NuGet\...
原始产品版本:Visual Studio 原始KB 数:2635185 现象 在运行 Visual Studio 或 Visual Web Developer Express 的计算机上未安装基于 NuGet 的 程序包管理器 1.5 或更高版本时,将显示以下错误: 无法创建新的 [ASP.NET、ASP.NET MVC 等] 项目,因为所需的组件 NuGet 程序包管理器缺失或过期。 请安装它,然后...
ASP.NET MVC 3 工具更新在运行 Visual Studio 或 Visual Web Developer Express 的计算机上未安装 Microsoft Package Manager for .NET (NuGet) 1.2 或更高版本时显示以下错误:无法创建新的 ASP.NET MVC 项目,因为所需的组件 NuGet 包管理器缺失或已过期。 请安装它,然后重试。
This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer . Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. When getting this error, Visual Studio indicates that a NuGet package is missing from your project references. If you take a look at the project->references node, you...
When getting this error, Visual Studio indicates that a NuGet package is missing from your project references. If you take a look at the project->references node, you will probably see that there are some missing libraries that have been added to the project via a NuGet package installation...
究其原因,是因为我的一些库依旧在支持古老的 .NET Framework 4.5 框架,而 Visual Studio 2022 不...
On a freshly installed Windows 11 laptop, installed latest Visual Studio 2022, installed latest .NET SDK. Loaded an old project (from 2 months ago) and tried to restore the NuGet packages, nothing worked! Ran the command dotnet nuget locals --clear all ...
Starting with NuGet 2.7, NuGet will automatically download missing packages during build in Visual Studio, even if package restore hasn’t been explicitly enabled for the solution. This automatic package restore happens in Visual Studio when you build a project or the solution, but before MSBuild...
Solutions with legacy Visual Studio installer projects ( vdproj) have started failing. It would seem it doesn't result in a non zero exit code, but also doesn't restore all project properly as we MSBuild later fails with 'project.assets...