可从https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe下载最新推荐版本。 如果已安装nuget.exeCLI 工具,可使用命令nuget update -self将工具更新至最新版本。 为了实现与旧版持续集成系统的兼容性,旧 URLhttps://nuget.org/nuget.exe当前提供弃用的 2.8.6 版CLI 工具。
Nuget.org has a package size limit of about 250 MB. When a package exceeding that limit is uploaded the following error is displayed: The package file exceeds the size limit. Please try again. If such package is pushed from the command line, the following output is produced: ...
您可以在 下載最新的建議版本https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe。 如果您已安裝nuget.exeCLI 工具,您可以使用 命令nuget update -self將工具更新為最新版本。 為了與較舊的持續整合系統相容,先前的 URLhttps://nuget.org/nuget.exe目前提供CLI 工具已被取代的版本 2.8.6。
Nuget.org has a package size limit of about 250 MB. When a package exceeding that limit is uploaded the following error is displayed: The package file exceeds the size limit. Please try again. If such package is pushed from the command line, the following output is produced: ...
dotnet add package DevExpress.Blazor dotnetrestore Refer to the following topic for more information:Install NuGet Packages with Command Line Interface (CLI) Tools. Alternatively, you can add the feed as a package source to your NuGet configuration files. To do this, create thenuget.configfil...
<InstallPackageAsync>d__53.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at...
Describe the bug The dotnet 6.0 versions since 6.0.26 list the version of the NuGet.Packaging dependency in the SDK as "NuGet.Packaging": "6.3.4-rc.2" in MSBuild.deps.json NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.deps.json dotnet.deps.json which evaluate...
NuGet.exe Command-Line Utility Automatic Package Restore in Visual Studio Starting with NuGet 2.7, NuGet will automatically download missing packages during build in Visual Studio, even if package restore hasn’t been explicitly enabled for the solution. This automatic package restore happens in Visu...
Package TestProject 1.1.1 supports: x64 (x64,Version=v0.0) At line :1 char:1 CategoryInfo: NotSpecified (😃 [install-package], Exception FullyQualifiedErrorId: NuGetCmdUnhandledException, NuGet.PackageManagement.PowershellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand ...
Where to find the NuGet SDK packages How to install a package in your project Microsoft Dataverse SDK for .NET assemblies and some command-line tools are available through a software distribution website called NuGet. Use of NuGet packages in your application project enables you to keep your ...