##[error]The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Unable to load the service index for source https://server/DefaultCollection/_packaging/8d2bc64e-49c0-4fdd-bd21-fbbb0776245e/nuget/v3/index.json. Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbid...
If a match is not found, then NuGet checks file sources, and then http sources, and then it downloads the packages. KeyValue (name of fallback folder)Path to fallback folder. Example: XMLCopy <fallbackPackageFolders><addkey="XYZ Offline Packages"value="C:\somePath\someFolder\"/></fal...
WinGet Command Not Found is a PowerShell 7 module to help you install missing packages. With this module, you will be recommended relevant WinGet packages whenever an unrecognized command is entered. - winget-command-not-found/NuGet.config at main · mi
If you already have thenuget.exeCLI tool installed, you can update the tool to the latest version with the commandnuget update -self. For compatibility with older continuous integration systems, a previous URL,https://nuget.org/nuget.execurrently provides thedeprecated version 2.8.6of the CLI...
“Deprecation” column should show the value “True” in “dotnet package search” command while the same package shows the deprecated package info correctly in PM UI Found:ManualTests Triage:Untriaged Type:Bug Status: Open. #14156In NuGet/Home; ...
If the package is not in the cache, or the cache isn't used, NuGet then retrieves the package over HTTP .For more information, see What happens when a package is installed?.Viewing folder locationsYou can view locations using the nuget locals command:...
[Get-Package command throws error when All source is selected](http://nuget.codeplex.com/workitem/359) [Allow ordering of package sources in Options dialog](http://nuget.codeplex.com/workitem/356) [Update-Package does not remove older version](http://nuget.codeplex.com/workitem/352) [Im...
Trying to install a NuGet V2 package from a proxy repository tohttps://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2with Install-Package command fails with messageEnd of Central Directory record could not be found. Example: Install-Module -Name PSWSMan -Repository nexus -...
Additionally, creating source mappings from NuGet VS UI now considers the Global Packages Folder for transitive dependencies. When transitive packages exist in the GPF, if it’s an enabled source for this solution, then it will automatically map to that source. If it’s not an enabled source ...