如果遇到 null 引用异常,则表示你使用的是旧 .nupkg 文件,此时则需使用更新后的 [NuGet command line tool](http://nuget.codeplex.com/releases/52017/download/165468) 文件来重新生成它。已为NuGet CTP 2 修复的功能和 bug 的列表如下(不包括针对次要代码清理等功能的 bug)。
NuGet command line How do I get the latest version of NuGet command line tool? See theInstall guide. To check the current installed version of the tool, usenuget help. What is the license for nuget.exe? You are allowed to redistribute nuget.exe under the terms of the MIT license. ...
1. 去Nuget官网下载nuget command line tool, 下载地址:https://www.nuget.org/downloads 2. 用Nuget打包 Nuget 有两种打包方式: A:直接通过工程文件打包dll: 1 创建一个类库,然后编译下。把刚才下载的nuget.exe拷贝到工程文件所在的文件夹中: 2. 通过命令行来创建nuget包:nuget.exe pack B:使用nuget...
“` dotnet tool install –global NuGet.CommandLine “`6. 安装完成后,您可以使用NuGet命令行工具进行包的安装和管理。以下是一些常用的NuGet命令: – 搜索包:使用以下命令搜索NuGet上的包: “` nuget search PackageName “` – 安装包:使用以下命令安装包(替换`PackageName`为您要安装的包的名称): “`...
For this article, I’ll demonstrate both the NuGet.exe command line and the NuGet Package Explorer. One point to note: Once you download the command-line version, you’ll probably want to update your system’s path Environment variable to include its location. This makes it easy to use ...
(PCLs). The new NuGet tools are available through Tools | Extensions and Updates | Update in Visual Studio 2015, as well as the NuGet distribution site atbit.ly/1MgNt2J. NuGet has also released a new version of the NuGet command-line tool you can download from the same location on...
Always install thelatestversion of the tool that supports your configuration. You can download the latest recommended version athttps://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe. If you already have thenuget.exeCLI tool installed, you can update the tool to the latest version with...
If you're having trouble with the NuGet client tools (the Visual Studio extension, NuGet.exe command line tool, etc.), file a bug onNuGet Home. NuGet client tools- this repo contains the following clients: NuGet command-line tool 4.0 and higher ...
C:\Temp\NexusTest>.paket\paket.exe update Paket version Resolving packages for group Main: - NUnit 3.4.1 Locked version resolution written to C:\Temp\NexusTest\paket.lock Garbage collecting FAKE Garbage collecting NuGet.CommandLine 8 seconds - ready. C:\Temp\NexusTest>.paket\paket...
Always install thelatestversion of the tool that supports your configuration. You can download the latest recommended version athttps://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe. If you already have thenuget.exeCLI tool installed, you can update the tool to the latest version with...