Nuevos espacios. Nuevos formatos. Nuevas dramaturgias en el teatro hispánico actualdoi:10.30827/impossibilia.252023.26382THEMES in artAFFECT (Psychology)PUBLIC artLIBERTYGIFT givingPUBLIC spacesThe article summarizes the book "New Spaces. New Formats. New Dramaturg...
摘要: [EN] This paper analyzes mobile advergames in the context of advertising formats used in mobile marketing. Based on the features and functionality that define these formats, this paper iden tifies the predominant type of these formats in the Spanish market and emerging business models around...
los números deben figurar con un delimitador «;».Este número de inscripción debe mostrarse en la declaración del IVA en la sección 8 de lalínea150y en el apéndice de esta sección. No hay formatos nuevos
With such transformations, television has become a much more interactive media as viewers can now participate in programing via several methods of communication, including SMS or by sending e-mails.Gordillo, InmaculadaChasqui (13901079)
resources-based citiessustainable developmentecological loadecological industry parkecological industry chainAs most western resources-based cities enter into a stable or declining production stage,their sustainable development is largely baffled by non-renewable resources and ecological environment.This paper,...