NUCTECH HONG KONG COMPANY LIMITED was incorporated on 02-MAY-2002 . NUCTECH MANAGEMENT (HKL) COMPANY LIMITED 同方威視老撾管理有限公司 Br No. 66933588 Company Status: Live NUCTECH MANAGEMENT (HKL) COMPANY LIMITED was incorporated on 21-NOV-2016 . NUCTECH OPERATION COMPANY LIMITED 同方威視運營...
a central control unit for associating an operation of the door with that of the laser so as to control operations of the door and the laser so that the laser is enabled only upon the door being closed or the laser being disabled before or while the door is opened;a door state ...
Nuctech Company Limited (Nuctech) is a global supplier of advanced security and inspection solutions and services. Relying on independent innovation and following customer demands, Nuctech provides the most advanced technology, products and integrated solutions in the security in...
will the X-ray be activated to perform scanning. The operation of the inspection system further needs to be adjusted in real time according to the speed of the passing train. When every segment of the train (i.e. every carriage of the train) has passed the beam flux center, the system...
12.The encoding method of claim 10, wherein the step of combining the first sense signal and the first redundant sense signal further comprises:performing an OR operation of the first sense signal and the first redundant sense signal.
NUCTECH COMPANY LIMITED (Beijing, CN) TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY (Beijing, CN) International Classes: H01J35/06;H01J35/12;H01J35/24;H05G1/10;H01J35/16;H05G1/70 Field of Search: 378/4, 378/9, 378/10, 378/121, 378/122, 378/123, 378/124, 378/134, 378/136, 378/137, 378/138, 378/141...