canis 120-kDa protein contains 14 tandem repeat units with 36 amino acids each. The repeat units are hydrophilic and predicted to be surface-exposed. Also disclosed is that the recombinant E. canis 120-kDa protein is antigenic and reacts with sera from dogs convalescent from canine ehrlichiosis...
I wish to propose a rather different possible relationship between nucleotide triplets and amino-acids which has emerged as a result of preliminary investigations aimed at understanding the usual exclusion and the occasional intrusion of the so-called non-protein amino-acids into protein....
The current understanding of RNA-protein cross-linking is that close contact between nucleotides and amino acids is the main pre-requisite for a cross-linking event41,42. However, only three from the seven nucleotides of FOXRBEengaged in efficient cross-linking, despite close contacts between all ...
Pre-proglucagon messenger ribonucleic acid: nucleotide and encoded amino acid sequences of the rat pancreatic complementary deoxyribonucleic acid. Glucagon, a pancreatic peptide hormone of 29 amino acids that regulates carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism, is one of a family of structurally simil....
These genes encode polypeptides of 879, 459 and 345 amino acids, respectively, which are also disclosed and claimed. The genes are useful as DNA probes or, for preparing PCR primers. The polypeptides are useful in antigenic, immunological or vaccine compositions. The nucleotides can be expressed...
(Biochemistry)biochema compound consisting of a nucleoside linked to phosphoric acid. Nucleic acids are made up of long chains (polynucleotides) of such compounds [C20: from nucleo- +t(added for ease of pronunciation) + -ide] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 20...
to be accepted inpurine synthesis. The conservation of glycine and serine within the CFS cohort at the expense of many otheramino acidsmay signify importance. Furthermore, the decrease of cysteine and the increase ofhomocysteinein theCSFof CFS patients trends toward the conservation of serine[172]...
Using a general algorithm described herein, it is possible to formulate more complex doping schemes which encode specific subsets of the twenty amino acids, excluding others from the mix. Maximizing the equiprobability of amino acid residues contributing to such a subset is suggested as an optimal ...
The BoLA-DMB cDNA clone, MB6, encoded a primary translated product of 262 amino acids, with a signal peptide of 18 amino acids and a mature polypeptide of 244 amino acids. Comparison of the sequences and construction of a phylogenetic tree revealed that both clones are more closely related ...
mRNA specifies incorporation of a specificamino acidin the sequence that makes up the protein. Molecules of tRNA (sometimes also calledsoluble, or activator, RNA), which contain fewer than 100 nucleotides, bring the specified amino acids to the ribosomes, where they are linked to form proteins....