The converter domain receives impulses from the Switch 2 helix that it converts into the torque needed rotate the lever-arm while the SH2/SH1 hinge changes conformation. Full size image G701R in super-fast myosin replaces the glycine swivel with a residue containing a bulky side chain ...
NGSEP is an integrated framework for analysis of high throughput sequencing (HTS) reads. The main functionality of NGSEP is the variants detector, which allows to make integrated discovery and genotyping of Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs), insertions,
118 The extent of kink formation determines the size of the converter rotation. The structure of a class-1 myosin indicates that this type of motor can produce a 20 to 30° greater power stroke than myosin-2. Dd myosin-1E forms a more pronounced kink as a result of a hydrogen bond ...
Hence, it is thought that switch I is chiefly involved in the communication pathways between the active site and the actin-binding cleft (14), and switch II mediates the communication to the converter-lever arm domain (12). Mutagenesis studies have provided support for this hypothesis (15, 16...