After a general introduction into the shell models the current shell model programs are described. Finally the one-body transition density is considered. (HSI)doi:10.1007/3-540-09970-0_2Dieter Kurathlecture notes in physicsLawson, R.D. (1980) The nuclear shell model. Clarendon Press, Oxford...
Specifically, advanced shell model codes (e.g., the NuShellX [6]) are extensively used for various calculations. Similar to any other quantum many-body systems, full calculation of the nuclear shell model, with all nucleons and all shells involved, in a conventional computer is intractable,...
2024-1-25 Concreting Completed of Rooppur 2 Outer Containment Shell 2024-1-18 Lotus Eyes 2025 for Kayelekera Restart 2024-1-18 First Lead-Cooled Fast Neutron Reactor's Installation Under Way 2024-1-18 US Finalizes $1.1 Billion in Credits for California Nuclear Plant 2024-1-18 Sizewell C P...
Quantum groups and the recovery of U(3) symmetry in the Hamiltonian of the nuclear shell model Quantum groups are of current interest because of their applications in many fields of physics. In the present paper the authors discuss a q-analogue to the Hamiltonian of the nuclear shell model. ...
[50]. As shown in Fig.1, nuclear fission occurs when a heated neutron shells a weighty nucleus and transforms into lighter nuclei as fission outcomes and other molecules. When heated neutrons shell weighty nuclei, new neutrons are produced to shell other weighty nuclei. The nuclear fission ...
many-particle physics, such as electron scattering at different energy scales, new physics with radioactive beams, multifragmentation, relativistic nuclear physics, high spin nuclear problems, chaos, the role of the continuum in nuclear physics or recent calculations with the shell model are presented...
The tin isotope 100Sn is of singular interest for nuclear structure due to its closed-shell proton and neutron configurations. It is also the heaviest nucleus comprising protons and neutrons in equal numbers—a feature that enhances the contribution of t
(an open shell nucleus with 92 protons and 146 neutrons). This comparison helps us to deduce the shape of238U. A state-of-the-art beyond the mean-field model, which reproduces the bulk of experimental data on197Au, predicts deformation values ofβ2Au ≈ 0.12–0.14 andγAu ≈ ...
Continuum effects are the key ingredient in the calculations of weakly bound or unbound nuclei. This paper reviews the series of achievements that we gained in the development of chiral three-body forces and ab initio Gamow shell model which takes the continuum coupling into account. ...
Continuum effects are the key ingredient in the calculations of weakly bound or unbound nuclei. This paper reviews the series of achievements that we gained in the development of chiral three-body forces and ab initio Gamow shell model which takes the continuum coupling into account. ...