Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Commission (NRRC) The exam is designed to support the NRRC’s comprehensive evaluation of candidates wishing to be licensed as Radiation Safety Officers. For detailed information on the RSO’s license requirements and related matters such as recommended courses, study...
Also, contact: Susan Perry-Luxton, Citizens Regulatory Commission, 180 Great Neck Road, Waterford, CT 06385 Also, contact: Mitzi Bowman, Don't Waste Connecticut, 97 Longhill Terrace, New Haven, CT 06515 (203) 389-206. Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (Former owner: Northeast Nuclear Energy...
Regulatory Capture: Flying on the Small Modular Reactor Oct 8, 2020 Yes, Fairewinds tracks nuclear safety issues, and no, Boeing will not build Small Modular Reactors that fly. However, when most of my colleagues and I look at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and its supposedly thorou...
NRC National Regulatory Commission (USA) NRU National Research Universal (reactor), AECL, Canada PCh Pressure Channel PHWR Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor PT Pressure Tube PV Pressure Vessel PWR Pressurized Water Reactor RBM...
Recent Nuclear Regulatory Commission OR NRC News (24 hours) All *.gov(NOT NY Times- (NRConly) Washington Post In a Hurry? A Quick Tour(FAQ) Current Hot Topics -New Designs(NEW) -New Plant Applications(NEW) ...
Licensed by Nuclear Regulatory Commission Read More Welcome to Schulz Nuclear Schulz Nuclear, as part of The Schulz Group, was founded on the simple principles of providing world class quality service and repairs, coupled with exceptional customer service. Our ultimate goal is to help our customers...
One model with a capacity of 1,460 kg of uranium enriched up to 10%, and a second with a capacity of 1,271 kg of uranium enriched up to 20%. The DN30-X package was licensed in March 2023 by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). ...
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) launched a "risk-informed environment" initiative to improve training and communications throughout the reactor regulation organization. An inter-office focus group developed two new training courses for technical staff and managers. These one-day courses introduce the ...
Nuclear Regulatory Commission are to shut down the reactor, maintain it in a shutdown condition, and prevent the release of radioactive material. Appropriate redundant and diverse safety systems are installed to ensure the safety of the nuclear reactor. Most nuclear power plants introduce a ‘...
Have you done a search on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's website to see if any of the NUREG's or regulatory guides cover your question? I came across a recently issued regulatory guide 1.208, "Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site-specific Earthquake Ground Motion" which references...