GPU Nuclear Corporation Licensed Operator Requalification Program Using the Penn State Breazeale Nuclear Reactordoi:10.13182/NT90-A34352Samuel H. LevineTerry L. FlinchbaughJohn L. PenkalaDaniel E. HughesKenneth E. RudyCraig C. FaustRonald H. Maag...
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Senior Reactor Operator License U.S. Navy Chief Nuclear Engineer Officer Qualification U.S. Navy Nuclear Engineering Officer of the Watch Qualification Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Plant Operations, Operational Focus, and Performance Improvement Evaluator Qualificat...
CHICAGO, April 5 (Xinhua) -- It will take decades to fully dismantle the Three Mile Island unit 1 nuclear reactor (TMI-1) after its planned shutdown in September 2019, its owner and operator Exelon Generation said on Friday. The Chicago-headquartered energy company has filed a federally requ...
The hardware subsystem services, state machine, and Grafana and Caddy, all run in Docker Compose on the reactor control computer. InfluxDB runs on a larger compute cluster to offload query processing.State MachineThe central state machine and operator controls run in a service called "maestro" ....
Nuclear engineers can obtain licensing as a Senior Reactor Operator, a designation that is granted after an intensive, 2-year, site-specific program. The credential, granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, asserts that the engineer can operate a nuclear power plant within federal government req...
Number of not scheduled reactor shutdowns per year ≤1 Frequency of severe core damage, 1/year <106 Frequency of limiting emergency release, 1/year <107 Efficient time of passive safety and emergency control syst...
Centrus has the expertise to produce and manufacture affordable new reactor fuels to customer specification based on decades of experience providing nuclear fuel services to utility customers around the world and producing a wide range of enrichment levels supporting U.S. Government requirements. This ex...
The overall objective of emergency preparedness (EP) is to ensure that the nuclear power plant operator is capable of implementing adequate measures to protectpublic healthand safety in the event of a radiological emergency. As a condition of their license, operators of US nuclear power plants must...
Reactor operators apply for a renewed operational license from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority every 10 years, and as long as it is granted they may continue to operate. An estimation of the probable lifetime, consistent with the statements of reactor owners and operators, have been made ...
License SCONE SCONE (StochasticCalculatorOfNeutron TransportEquation) is an object-oriented Monte Carlo particle transport code for reactor physics. It is intended as an accessible environment for graduate students to test and develop their ideas before contributing them to more established codes suitable...