Sci. Tech., Evaluation of Photonuclear Reaction Data on Tantalum-181 up to 140MeV," vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 685-691, 1998Lee, Y.O., Fukahori, T., and Chatt, J. "Evaluation of Photonuclear Reaction Data on Tantalum-181 up to 140 MeV," Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. ...
The evaluation is mainly based on nuclear reaction model calculations. Statistical-model calculation played a significant role in the determination of the reaction cross sections. The evaluated data have been compiled in the ENDF-6 format, and are used for the design study of a mercury target ...
The need for accurate nuclear reaction data of actinides is well documented and several initiatives from international organizations for improvement have been initiated in the past. This need, particularly in view of method development for non-destructive assay of nuclear waste, has generated a joint...
The ENDF libraries are a collection of documented data evaluations stored in a defined computer-readable format that can be used as the main input to nuclear data processing programs. An evaluation is the process of analyzing experimentally measured cross-section data, combining them with the predict...
International Cooperation for Compilation and Evaluation of the Data on Charged Particle Nuclear ReactionThe report presents brief information on the activities of the network of Centers in the field of nuclear reaction induced by charged particles and photons....
Every evaluation undertaken and the results for each reaction are illustrated in two figures that display the following: first figure depicts all available experimental data without their uncertainties, followed by a second figure that contains only the selected data with their experimental uncertainties ...
1.action in response to some influence, event, etc.:the nation's reaction to the president's speech. 2. a.a physiological response to an action or condition. b.a physiological change indicating sensitivity to foreign matter:an allergic reaction. ...
GASPRgenerates gas-production cross sections in pointwise format from basic reaction data in an ENDF evaluation. These results can be converted to multigroup form usingGROUPR, passed toACER, or displayed usingPLOTR. NDS/IAEA updates The following modules contain modifications: acecm.f90, acedo.f90...
Re-evaluation of fission per initial metal atom percent (FIMA%) and burnup values Eq. (1) is used to evaluate the FIMA (fission per initial metal atoms) of irradiated spent fuel samples by the neodymium-148 method (ASTM E321-79, 1995). In this equation, Nd148, U, Np, Pu, Am, and...
Concerning the evaluation of U-Pu nuclear fuel cycle, especially the present status of the nuclear data on other minor actinides than major U and Pu and their roles are reviewed, and the problems are pointed out. By the recent measurement, though the remarkable improvement of both quality and...