Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the construction of two nuclear plants in Augusta, Georgia. Professor Marilyn Brown of Georgia Institute of Techology's School of Public Policy, says it is a wise m...
As electricity demand rises around the world for everything from electric vehicles to data centers, there’s renewed interest in building new nuclear capacity, as well as extending the lifetime of existing plants and even reopening facilities that have been shut down. Efforts are also growing to ...
If fuel had been in the canal the consequences would have been disastrous. Lifetime: High worker exposure rate, very poor radiological controls. (Sources: Nukebusters CT Yankee web page.) CT Yankee Atomic Power Company (NSTAR is a part owner in Pilgrim, CT Yankee & three other plants. )...
As electricity demand rises around the world for everything from electric vehicles to data centers, there’s renewed interest in building new nuclear capacity, as well as extending the lifetime of existing plants and even reopening facilities that have been shut down. Efforts are also growing to ...
But building new nuclear plants is expensive, and the permitting and construction process is time consuming. The new nuclear reactors that Southern Company built at Plant Vogtle in Georgia opened some seven years behind schedule and cost more than $30 billion, at least double the original projectio...
Administration, as of Aug. 1, 2023, the United States has 93 operating commercial nuclear reactors across 54nuclear power plantsin 28 states. The most recent reactor to begin commercial operation is Unit 3 at the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia, which started on July 31,...
New nuclear reactor comes online in Georgia Georgia is home to the nation's newest nuclear reactor. It's bringing clean energy to the state, but the project has run over budget and past its original completion date. Drew Kann, climate and environment reporter for The Atlanta Journal-Constitut...
The United States currently has one nuclear reactor under construction, the fourth reactor at the Vogtle power plant in Georgia, which will be able to generate just over 1 gigawatt. (For the sake of comparison, a gigawatt is about enough to power a mid-sized city.) ...
After 14 years of construction, the third nuclear reactor unit at Georgia’s Plant Vogtle has finally started delivering power to customers. It’s America’s first newly built reactor in over 30 years. The first new nuclear power source to be constructed in the U.S. since the 1980s has ...
A planned nuclear plant in Georgia has seen major delays and its price tag balloon from $14 billion to $30 billion and counting. Nuclear energy has been credited for being a leader in decarbonization efforts, but advocates warn that overregulation and unfair government subsidies have been responsi...