Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging is a tomographic imaging technique that produces maps of the nuclear magnetic resonance signal in a sample. The signal from a volume element (voxel) in the sample is represented as an intensity of a picture element (pixel) in an image of the object. Nuclear ...
核磁共振成像(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 簡稱 NMRI) 又稱自旋成像(spin imaging), 也稱磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 簡稱 MRI),台灣又稱磁振造影, 香港又稱磁力共振成像 是利用核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance, 簡稱 NMR) 原理, 依據所釋放的能量在物質內部不同結構環境中不同...
核磁共振成像(MRI)的发展史 核磁共振成像 (NMRI,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging),也称磁共振成像(MRI,Magnetic Resonance Imaging),是一种核物理现象,MRI的物理基础是核磁共振(NMR,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)理论。 所谓NMR,是指与物质磁性和磁场相关的共振现象。也可以说,它是低能量电磁波,即射频波与既有角动...
4) Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振成像 1. A method of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging analyzed in the crack and fluid pass way of coal body; 煤体内部裂隙和流体通道分析的核磁共振成像方法研究 2. Spatial encoding using gradient magnetic fields is the key technique in nuclear ...
NuclearMagneticResonanceImaging,简称NMRI) •瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院2003年6日决定,把2003年 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予现年74岁的美国科学家保 罗·劳特布尔和现年70岁的英国科学家彼得·曼斯菲德,以 表彰他们在核磁共振成像技术领域的突破性成就。诺贝尔 奖评选委员会认为,用一种精确的、非入侵的方法对人体 内部器官...
1) Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振成象例句>> 2) MRI [英][,em ɑ:r 'aɪ] [美]['ɛm 'ɑr 'aɪ] 核磁共振成象 1. The differences in nuclear magnetic resonance signal intensity of rat brain between normal rats of controlling group and depressed rats of model group ...
Magnetic-resonance (nuclear-spin resonance, NMR) imaging deviceA magnetic-resonance imaging device delivers a high signal-to-noise ratio for the entire region of the desired image and is furthermore capable of achieving imaging with a high signal-to-noise ratio without adjusting the probe direction...
In a steady state free precession (SFP) magnetic resonance imaging method, after each pulse (1) of an applied train of phase coherent RF pulses which excite magnetic resonance spins in a region of a body being examined, magnetic field gradients (7, 11) are applied to encode the excited spi...
A three-dimensional NMR imaging method using phase encoding field gradients along two direction is disclosed. The measurement of an NMR signal is repeated in such a manner that among all combinations of a plurality of magnitudes of gradient prepared for the phase encoding field gradient along one ...
MRI, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to visualize internal structures of the body in detail for detection of lesions. Currently, MRI is one of the most powerful diagnosis tools in medical science. MRI is a noninvasive, tomogra...