Nuclear fusion is the process in which two nuclei of an atom combine together at high temperature to form different atomic nuclei. For example, hydrogen combines together to form helium. This is how the sun and stars get power to lighten up. Fusion occurs...
3. Nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion is the process in which two lighter nuclei, typically isotopes of hydrogen, combine together under conditions of extreme pressure and temperature to form a heavier nucleus, resulting in the release of enormous amount of energy. The fusion of four protons to form ...
Nuclear fusion is what keeps the Sun and all other stars shining in the sky. The Sun is a glowing ball of mainly hydrogen and plasma, which creates energy when the hydrogen atoms crash into each other and release energetic light and ...
clean power to everyone on Earth: nuclear fusion.Fusion is the processthat powers the sun and the stars. It's the opposite of nuclear fission, the process used in today's nuclear power plants, which splits atoms apart.
Nuclear fusion is a type of reaction that turns one chemical element into another. 核聚变是种化学反应,可以将一种化学元素转化为另一种。 The Sun and other stars use nuclear fusion as a form of power. 太阳和其他恒星将核聚变作为一种能源。 In high enough temperatures, the nucleus of an atom ...
In the fusion process, light atoms such as isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) are fused at extremely high temperatures (150 million °C) and high pressures (atoms must be within 10–15 m) to form a helium atom, a neutron and lot of energy. At high temperatures where nuclei ...
Nuclear fusion is the process of forcing together two light atomic nuclei and creating a heavier one, releasing massive amounts of energy.
Nuclear fusion is the process by which stars, including the Sun, generate their energy. In a fusion reaction, atomic nuclei ‘fuse’ together to form heavier nuclei. For this to happen, the nuclei need to have enough energy to overcome therepulsiveforce they experience because they are both ...
Nuclear fusion is the process which enables the Sun to produce energy in abundance number的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库
Nuclear fusion is the process that keeps the Sun and all other stars shining in the sky. The Sun is a glowing ball of mainly hydrogen and plasma that produces energetic light when the hydrogen atoms crash into each other, releasing helium as a byprodu...