nuclear fusion:核聚变(nuclear fusion),又称核融合、融合反应、聚变反应或热核反应[1] 核是指由质量小的原子,主要是指氘或氚,在一定条件下(如超高温和高压),只有在极高的温度和压力下才能让核外电子摆脱原子核的束缚,让两个原子核能够互相吸引而碰撞到一起,发生原子核互相聚合作用,生成...
When the nuclei are merged, the excess energy is released. Like fission, nuclear fusion can also transmute one element into another. For example, hydrogen nuclei fuse in stars to form the elementhelium. Fusion is also used to force together atomic nuclei to form the newest elements on the pe...
Unlike fission, nuclear fusion also has the added benefit of being self-sustaining without creating harmful waste. However, achieving and controlling fusion has been a lot more difficult for scientists to crack than fission. One problem facing fusion technology is that in order to create self-susta...
Answer and Explanation:1 The difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion is as follows: Nuclear fissionNuclear fusion It is given by heavy nuclei.It is given... Learn more about this topic: Fusion, Fission, Carbon Dating, Tracers & Imaging: Applicatio...
Nuclear fission occurs when a heavy atomic nucleus splits into two, with the release of energy. Nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons, but the mass of a nucleus is always less than the sum of the individual masses of the protons and neutrons inside. The difference is a measure of ...
Fission and fusion are two words that sound very much alike, but they're actually very different! In this lesson, find out what each one is and how they work to create nuclear energy. Atoms and Molecules Have you ever built a tower or other structure with blocks? It can take many block...
Do today's nuclear power plants utilize fission or fusion? 答案 what is the difference between fission and fusion?Do today's nuclear power plants utilize fission or fusion?聚变和裂变的区别是什么?当今核电厂用的是裂变还是聚变?ANSWER:1 In general,fission is the separ...相关推荐 1what is the ...
December15,2015 1.Howisnuclearfusiondifferentfromnuclear fission? 2.Whatcauseselementstobe“radioactive”? Goals •Todescribehalflifeandsolveproblems usinghalflife RadioactiveDecayRates •Halflife-Thetimerequiredforhalfofthe sampleofradioactivenucleitodecay. RadioactiveDecayRates •1sthalflife½sample...
The United States first built a nuclear fission reactor in 1942, and used the first fission bombs in 1945. It was in 1952 that the U.S. government tested the first fusion bomb, but fusion reactors, as of May 2011, are still impractical. Despite the diffe