Noun1.nuclearmedicine-thebranchofmedicinethatusesradioactivematerialseithertoimageapatient'sbodyor todestroydiseasedcells medical specialty,medicine-thebranchesofmedicalsciencethatdealwithnonsurgicaltechniques BasedonWordNet3.0,Farlexclipartcollection.©2003-2012PrincetonUniversity,FarlexInc. ...
A patient with high thyroglobulin (TG) and a negative radioiodine whole-body scan can have a positive scan with18FDG PET. Because these cancers are rare, a PET scan can only be performed after a negative iodine scan. This was given the name “TENIS syndromes” (TG Elevated Negative Iodine ...
Improving the view: whole-body imaging In common with most centres, our SAFOV imaging protocol captures the skull base to the mid-thigh, where restriction of the examination volume allows the scan to be completed faster. One advantage of the uExplorer is the ability to capture the entirety of...
Full scan resolution was set to 70,000 with automated gain control target of 3e6. MS scan functions and LC solvent gradients were controlled by the Xcalibur data system (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Data analysis was performed as follows. Peptides containing the isopeptide bonds were identified ...
who underwent iodine-123 MIBG whole-body scan (WBS) in the Department of Nuclear Medicine Seoul National University Hospital between January 2014 and July 2022 were recruited and analyzed. Semi-quantitative analysis of the mean value of lung-to-mediastinum ratio (LMR) was performed. Correlation was...
The MS was by electron impact ionization and operated in full-scan mode from m/z = 30–500. The inlet and MS transfer line temperatures were maintained at 280 °C and the ion source temperature was 250 °C. Sample injection (1 μl) was in splitless mode. Total metabolite ...
Arslan N. Risk factors and stratification for recurrence of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer, elevated thyroglobulin and negative I-131 whole-body scan, by restaging (18)F-FDG PET/CT. Hellenic journal of nuclear medicine. 2016 Sep-Dec:19(3):208-217. doi: 10.1967/s002449910402. Epub...
OCT line scan through fovea (C, F) showed perifoveal loss of ellipsoid zone (yellow arrows) with a central, subfoveal island of normal retinal layers (red arrows) suggestive of “flying saucer sign”. A diagnosis of bull's eye maculopathy due to HCQ toxicity was made. 5.4.1 Poppers ...
Aligning the two nuclei in the head-on body–body configuration (top) and tip–tip configuration (bottom).e, High-energy collision of two Lorentz-contracted nuclei and resulting 3D profile of the initially produced quark–gluon plasma (QGP), in which the arrows indicate the pressure gradients....
Finally, dPET has allowed to optimize imaging protocols through reduced administered activities and/or scan times: a 3/3.5-fold reduced scan time was proven feasible in FDG/DOTA/PSMA imaging, thus allowing to limit radiation exposure, lower imaging costs and increase patient throughput. Conclusions...