DeMeo believes that the suits will aid rescue workers in Japan with the continuing occurrence of nuclear disaster in the nation. It notes that the suits will also protect from infrared radiation and nuclear fallout.ManteyDavidProduct Design & Development...
The time of year also has direct effects on population death — the attack in the dead of winter, which might not directly damage agricuIture, may lead to greater deaths from fallout radiation (because of the difficulty of improvising fallout protection by moving frozen dirt) and from cold ...
“is the Plunge Protection Team” was doing the buying today (with all money the Fed is pulling back out of the economy to lower inflation) as they don’t want to see a market meltdown right before the Congressional Elections that “Satan forbid” may drive all the psycho Demonrat ...
See Nuclear winter Clinton, William (Bill) ABM Treaty, II:6 al-Qaida, I:14 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, II:15 Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, II:28 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, II:68 Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (GPALS), II:148–149 Gulf War Syndrome, I:149...