· 能量密度(Energy density):给定质量的燃料可以产生多少能量。如今,最常用的推进系统是化学推进系统(chemical propulsionsystem),即常规燃烧燃料的火箭推进系统,以及太阳能电推进系统(solar-powered electric propulsion system)。化学推进系统能提供很大的推力,但化学火箭的质量效率并不是特别高,火箭燃料的能量密...
第二种核动力火箭系统名为核电推进(nuclear electricpropulsion),目前还没有建成中高功率(大于10kWe)核电系统,工作原理是利用大功率核裂变反应堆发电,将核能转换为电能,为霍尔推进器这样的电推进器提供动力。核电推进将具有非常高的质量效率,大约是核热推进系统的3倍。由于核反应堆可以产生极高的能量,因此可以同时为多...
nuclear electric propulsion 核电推进装置 nuclear electric rocket engine 核电火箭发动机 nuclear propulsion phr. 核动力推进 electric propulsion 电力牵引,电推进 atomic propulsion nuclear engine 核发动机 electric propulsion system 电火箭发动机 steam electric propulsion 蒸汽电力推进 turbo electric propulsio...
It is shown that nuclear electric ion propulsion offers more than twice the payload for the Mars mission relative to the case when a nuclear thermal rocket is used for the trans-Mars injection maneuver at Earth, and about the same payload advantage relative to the case when solar electric ...
Nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) involves using the energy from a nuclear reaction to heat fuel that’s fired out of the back of a rocket, like the air from a toy balloon. But with nuclear electric propulsion (NEP), the fission energy is instead used to ionize a gas. “The propellant ...
(applications and development status); Operational considerations, radiation hazards and safety; Nuclear space power systems (reactors, conversion equipment and power systems technology); Advanced technology for large space power systems; Electric propulsion (systems, flight mechanics, power sources, and ...
NASA design for a Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA). Image Credit: NASA A second possible method, known as Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP), involves the same basic reactor converting its heat and energy into electrical energy which then powers an electrical engine. In both ...
图书Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Nuclear electric rockets Other kinds of nuclear propulsion aren't being developed in the collaborative DRACO program, such as nuclear-electric power. A nuclear-electric rocket would use a reactor to create electricity like a small power plant. Myers believes NASA should invest in all of them ...
Cargo and LH_2 "return" propellant for the piloted Callisto transfer vehicle (PCTV) is pre-deployed at the moon (before the crew's departure) using low thrust, high power, nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) cargo and tanker vehicles powered by hydrogen magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thrusters. The...