Komrade Glorious Leader will be safe in a concrete bunker deep beneath a mountain or on Air Force 1 while we are all being vaporized. Back to top Andrey Vyshinsky 3/9/2015, 7:53 pm I have the solution! We need an immediate stimulus bill with a jobs program for these invol...
USNAVY BUNKER FUELemissions precipitate merciless flooding. Hezbolah has only the where-with-all to attack military targets whereas USA genocide funding allows for less effective leisurely bombing and plowing under middle east civilization but highly profitable for Netanyahu and weapons inc. -Electronic ...
Decades of large-sum investments and planning ended earlier than the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, when the futility of bunker construction in light of the increasing intelligence and magnitude of bombs [3], but also in light of bunkers sheltering less than 3% of the population, became...
Yle. 1,5 miljoonan suomalaisen sekajätepussit kipataan valtavaan bunkkeriin—voiton käärivät vantaalaiset [The Municipal Waste from 1,5 Million Finns Are Thrown into a Huge Bunker—Profits Are Enjoyed by Those Living in Vantaa]. 2017. Available online: https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-95...