存储方面,老虎峡谷NUC搭载了512GB SATA-III固态硬盘,通过测试软件实测,其Seq读取速度为562.1MB/s,写入速度为507.2MB/s;4K随机读取速度为24.95MB/s,写入速度为66.58MB/s,是SATA-III固态硬盘的标准性能水准。 图形性能方面,老虎峡谷NUC采用了处理器自带的锐炬Xe核显,它拥有96个EU单元,Boost频率可以达到1300MHz。相对...
seq read 512K 3560MB/s compass96 初级粉丝 1 随机写 4KRun status group 0 (all jobs):WRITE: bw=226MiB/s (237MB/s), 226MiB/s-226MiB/s (237MB/s-237MB/s), io=20.0GiB (21.5GB), run=90438-90438msec随机写 512KRun status group 0 (all jobs):WRITE: bw=1648MiB/s (1728MB/s)...
Most preferably, the antibodies bind to an extracellular domain of the C-terminal cysteine loop of the p75 TNF receptor, which loop consists of the amino acid sequence Cys-185 to Thr-201 of SEQ ID NO:3.David WallachJacek BigdaIgor Beletsky...
研究人员指出,他们的研究结果没有纳入测序数据,这将有助于提高该方法的特异性和敏感性。当研究人员通过EPINUC-seq方法将一小部分晚期CRC患者样本和PDAC患者样本的单分子测序数据叠在一起时,他们可以进行溯源,确定来源组织。“这种方法可用于追踪原发不明肿瘤(Cancers of unknown primary,CUP)的起源。”研究人员...
$ aggregate_profile.pl -reg genome_annotation.tab -idC 0 -chrC 4 --strC 7 -sC 8 -eC 9 -pbN -lsN -lS <SeqLibSize> \ -chr 1 -al /Path_to_folder_with/OCC/chr1.test.occ_matrix -av /Path_to_folder_with/OCC/chr1.test.aggregate \ -in /Path_to_folder_with/OCC/chr1.test....
再3Dmark测试内存频率对核显的影响。如图,使用两条16Gx2的2400MHz内存条测的Time Spy分数为1233分: 用3200MHz内存测试时达到了1428分,提升了200分: 2400MHz内存下测得PCMARK10得分为4408分: 换上3200MHz内存再测,分数也是高了200分,达到了4602分,其中渲染和视频编辑分数有了明显提高,看起来内存频率对核显性能确...
The assemblies from the ABySS [13], CABOG [14], MaSuRCA [15], SGA [16], SOAPdenovo [17] (shown as SOAP in the figures), SPAdes [18] and Velvet [19] assemblers for Vibrio cholerae based on HiSeq reads were used. These assemblies together with the V. cholerae reference genome were...
SAMSUNG 990 PRO SSD 1TB PCIe 4.0 M.2 2280 Seq Read Up to 7450 MB/s MZ-V9P1T0B/AM S$188.99 Est. Shipping Fee S$42.76 Eligible for Free Shipping Add to cart (17)Kingston FURY Impact 64GB DDR5 5600 Laptop Memory KF556S40IBK2-64 S$274.31 Est. Shipping Fee S$30.54 E...
NucHMM [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS] Options: --version Show the version and exit --hmm-directory PATH the path of the NucHMM_Cplus/bin folder --help Show this message and exit Commands: nuchmm-prep Prepare ChIP-seq peaks files or nucleosome locations files from fastq/bam files. nuchmm-init...