Healthcare Transform patient care with AI‑powered solutions for physicians, radiologists, and hospitals. Reimagine healthcare(Open a new window) Dragon productivity Boost productivity with speech recognition solutions that help you do what you do, even faster. ...
Nuance Healthcare Support Which solution do you need help with? Looking for support for the European or Asia Pacific regions? Sign in(Open a new window) Register now(Open a new window) Know what solution you're looking for? Enter solution name Search Most frequently searched Dragon ...
Healthcare Transform patient care with AI‑powered solutions for physicians, radiologists, and hospitals. Reimagine healthcare(Open a new window) Dragon productivity Boost productivity with speech recognition solutions that help you do what you do, even faster. ...
Nuance Unveils Voice Control Healthcare Edition
微软和 Nuance 官宣已在 4 月 12 日达成最终协议,微软将以每股 56 美元作价、197 亿美元的现金交易价值收购 Nuance。Mark Benjamin 将继续担任 Nuance 首席执行官,向微软云与 AI 执行副总裁 Scott Guthrie 汇报。官宣指出,在医疗保健领域,微软曾推出 Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare,旨在满足快速变化和增长的...
Improve clinical, financial and patient outcomes by providing real-time data analytics and decision support systems to track, analyze and benchmark performance. Learn more Ready to take your performance to the next level? Contact us to speak to a specialist. ...
虽然Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare的众多功能模块都使用了语音识别模块,但仅仅一个功能模块,值得微软花197亿美元吗?微软的目的显然不止于此。在医疗AI领域,微软早已深耕多年,提前布局。此次收购,不仅有利于微软加速数字医疗进程,对于Nuance来说也可以获得一个强大的后盾,凭借微软庞大的研发投入和渠道优势,以及底层...
虽然Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare的众多功能模块都使用了语音识别模块,但仅仅一个功能模块,值得微软花197亿美元吗?微软的目的显然不止于此。 在医疗AI领域,微软早已深耕多年,提前布局。此次收购,不仅有利于微软加速数字医疗进程,对于Nuance来说也可以获得一个强大的后盾,凭借微软庞大的研发投入和渠道优势,以及底层AI技...
到2018年,微软宣布成立名为“微软医疗”(Microsoft Healthcare)的新部门,致力于将医疗系统搬上云端,实现超大规模云计算与医疗研究的力量的结合。不仅如此,2019 年微软利用Nuance的语音识别等开发医学环境下的临床智能(ACI)技术。看来,这不是微软与Nuance的首次合作,双方在医疗领域早已建立了战略合作伙伴关系。3....
Today, Microsoft and Nuance officially join forces to support the resilience of healthcare. By combining Nuance’s deep domain expertise with the scale, security, and power of the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare, we have an opportunity to put outcomes-focused AI solutions into the hands of health...