The Complete Skincare Holiday Kit2,527 AED3,159 AED Radiance & Rejuvenation Holiday Set Quick Buy Radiance & Rejuvenation Holiday Set2,405 AED3,006 AED JUST ARRIVED* See a glowing effect within 10 minutes of Using Exonastem rebuilds damaged skin cells with a powerful blend of acids and pla...
Discover the best you with Nu Skin's innovative anti-aging skin care products and rewarding business opportunities, while making a difference in the world.
有100多年历史的悉尼中央车站是新南威尔士州最大的火车站,NU SKIN特别包下专属的创星列车,带着星星伙伴们一同挑战最多人用彩色木片组装成马赛克拼图的挑战。马赛克拼图以“善”的力量为主题,伙伴们一起倾力打造爱心拼图,此次盛世NU SKIN以3633人再创纪录,获得“最多人参与的涂色木板拼图”吉尼斯世界纪录荣耀。 色彩绚...
作为美丽代言的风向标,NU SKIN伙伴们一定不会错过修身养性的邦迪海滩,作为悉尼最热闹的海滩,同时也是澳大利亚乃至全世界最出名的海滩之一,从社区艺术展览到马拉松长跑,这里一年四季都举办各种盛世活动,邦迪海滩的名字来源于原住民的语言Bondi,意思是海水拍岸的声浪,这里无论在夏季或是冬季,都是悉尼精华的所在,伙伴们在...
NU SKIN 與台灣兒童心臟病基金會和臺灣大學兒童醫院合作,除了募集善款全額資助貧困先天性心臟病患兒外,更主動將先天性心臟病議題延伸到預防篩檢的 工作上,以便能有效減少先天性心臟病患兒因潛在的病因導致猝死的意外發生,並將資源投注於兩岸三地的醫療學術交流,強化華人心臟病醫療相關知識交流。
Health & Beauty. Planning & Productivity. Save More, Waste Less. Mother’s Day Gift Ideas. Mother’s Day in Australia is coming soon in May so I thought I would share some lovely Mother’s Day gift ideas! The theme for these gifts is ‘pampering’. So whether you’re choosing something...
About Nu Skin Enterprises Information provided by various external sources A premier anti-aging company committed to providing quality skin care and nutrition products. Its unique ageLOC science addresses aging at its source. Contact Australia Category Beauty & Well-being People who looked at this comp...
NU SKIN ENTERPRISES INC (NUS) 10-K Annual report pursuant to section 13 and 15(d) Filed on 02/23/2011 Filed Period 12/31/2010 UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K (Mark One) þ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF THE ...
Vicky Leevutinun, Ph.D., serves as president of Nu Skin’s Southeast Asia and Pacific regions. In her current role, she oversees the operation of Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand. ...
Due to the harmful effects of the sun, exposure to chemical, and the stresses that life throws at us, the skin is subjected to undue stress, which leaves it looking dull and old. If you realize that your skin looks dull while you are full of energy inside, a facelift can help you re...