Given that about 5% of the b-hadrons within b-jets with jet pT = 150 GeV decay after the innermost pixel detector layer, differences in the b-jet tagging efficiency at high pT are expected. In order to eval- uate the size of the effect, the Z sample described in Sect. 5 was ...
研究开发的“水玻璃砂复合吹气硬化法”技术获得国家发明专利授权,"无机粘结剂冷芯盒工艺"2021年被认定为辽宁省专精特新技术。 金广明-铸造行业最美科技工作者主要事迹.pdf 点击进入投票程序:2022全国铸造行业“最美科技工作者”评选活动网络...