菲律宾MSSR狙击枪 MSSR(Marine Scout Sniper Rifle,海军陆战队侦察狙击步枪)是由菲律宾政府兵工厂生产的一款狙击步枪,口径较小发射5.56×45毫米步枪弹。目前,MSSR狙击步枪仍然是菲律宾海军陆战队侦察狙击手的主要武器,其他狙击武器包括雷明顿700P狙击步枪及巴雷特M95狙击步枪。侦察小队通常以M16突击步枪加上M203榴弹发...
Looks at EVERY OTHER SNIPER RIFLE DXR 1 (effective range up to 800 meters, Range stat 84!? What are yall doing over there? The 50 cal is shooting like a basketball while the DXR 1 is a laser beam? TF. Has someone actually hit anything with the NTW at 1500 meters, was that per...
'Cause my only girlfriend was my assault rifle Shot my shot and got her then she gave me life but Some my brothers under so they stop to cry then On another mission 'fore the tears would dry up It was me or rivals and I wasn't dying Left baby and I swore on my arrival And my...