1,200+ Study Abroad Students, 11.5% Annual Growth Exchange 59% Summer Program 24% Short-term/ Internship 13% Visiting 4% 1.4 Student Resources Unleash Your Curiosity in Taiwan's Largest Library: The NTU library has everything you need to excel academically, from extensive books to online resou...
1,200+ Study Abroad Students, 11.5% Annual Growth Exchange 59% Summer Program 24% Short-term/ Internship 13% Visiting 4% 1.4 Student Resources Unleash Your Curiosity in Taiwan's Largest Library: The NTU library has everything you need to excel academically, from extensive books to online resou...
学一国际教育 Study1 外教英语 (Abroad Teachers -AT) 爱格服务 (AIGE) 优联考察 (Union Visit) 学校监护 (School Guardians) 英国签证网 (Visa UK) 英中传媒 (UKese) 爱尔兰留学服务中心 (Ireland Chinese) 访英网 (英国夏令营|英语学习) 英国私立学校指南 (UKSG) 英国预科网 英国学一辅导补习 更多 英国...
毕业可获NUS/NTU+德国慕尼黑工大联合学位,奖学金更可抵消学费,你心动了吗? 的前身由巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世于1868年建立,其官方名称为“慕尼黑皇家拜仁工学院”(Koeniglich Bayerische Technische Hochschule München),当时是一所综合技术学校,并于1970年由工学院改名为工业大学。 1901年学校获得颁发博士学位资格,目前该...
Singapore has been one of the most popular destinations for students who want to study abroad and was ranked 20th in theQS Rankingsfor Best Student Cities 2019. Its rich culture and prosperous surroundings and environment attract students from various countries to enjoy studying here. Once Singapore...
Study abroad 泰国西那瓦:留学天堂 泰国西那瓦的壮丽风景和丰富美食,为留学生提供了一个理想的学习环境。在这里,你可以尽情享受大自然的美丽与各种美味的佳肴,感受到充满异国风情的文化氛围。 选择留学西那瓦,将为你带来一段充满挑战和乐趣的留学之旅。无论是在学习上还是生活...
Study Abroad Schedule 2024年8月-9月 ● 明确目标: 深入了解新加坡各大学的专业设置及申请要求,选择与孩子兴趣和实力相匹配的学校和专业。 ● 备考标准化考试: 如雅思(IELTS)或托福(TOEFL),提前报名并着手准备,确保在申请前取得理想成绩...
Summer Study Abroad: Academics: Chinese Flagship Program: Indiana University Bloomington https://chinese.indiana.edu/academics/study-abroad.html Skip to Main Navigation. School of Global and International Studies. Immerse yourself in Chinese language culture. Most students will spend at least one summer...
Purpose:HIPS aims to encourage outstanding Singapore citizens and Singapore permanent residents to pursue an academic career in HASS by supporting their doctoral studies abroad. Eligibility:Under HIPS, the successful candidates will be employed as University staff. They will be granted paid leave to pur...
Study Abroad Benefits 留学海归待遇 北京 1.政府提供10万元企业开办费 2.提供短期周转性住所 3.可购买免税车一辆 4.办理北京落户 5.有机会获得北京市提供“特聘专家”称号100万奖励 上海 1.上海市常住人口 2.可购买一辆免税车 3.有机会申请“浦江人才计划”获得最高50万元工作政府资助资金 ...