Jungbin Kim, a distinguished young scholar with multiple research accomplishments, is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science at Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU). He has a unique teaching philosophy and is ...
Dr. Yong CHEN is a Professor in College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, China. His main research field is urban form and urban design. He has long been engaged in the theoretical research on the built environment ...
is full professor in Roman Law at the Department of Law, University of Pisa since 2000 and is the Duty-President ofthe University of Pisa. His main fields of research deal with the various areas of Roman public law, especial...
Queen’s University. Dr. DeLuca leads the Classroom Assessment Research Team and is Director of the Queen’s Assessment and Evaluation Group. Previously, Dr. DeLuca was an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida
47. (2021新高考I卷D篇) Although the continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is ___(desire) , we hope that such attention will excite a greater interest in the scientific and ___(scholar) study of emotion. 48. (2021新高考I卷D篇) It is our hope __...
President Richard Nixon admitted, “one of the most persistent faults in America’s dealings with the rest of the world has been our tendency to measure all governments by the standards of western democracy and all cultures by the standards of ...
G50向上向善——2022全球青年科技领袖圆桌会,英文名称为2022 Global Roundtable for Young Scientist Scholar,拟于2022年11月世界青年科学家峰会期间,在温州举行。与会人员将是来自世界各地青年科学家、青年英才,规模达150名,其中国际代表50...
(CEMS). He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees both at Tsinghua University, then worked at Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society and Stanford University as a postdoc and a research scholar, respectively. His main...
种族灭绝(genocide),由古希腊文“人种、民族或部落”(genos)和拉丁文“屠杀、消灭”(caedere)组成,1944年该词由波兰籍犹太法律学者拉斐尔·莱姆金在其出版的《轴心国占领欧洲后的统治》一书中提出,最初指“一个国家或一个民族的毁灭”。 1946年联...
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt earned his doctorate from TU Berlin in 1999 and worked as a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. After a research visit at the University of ...