南洋理工大学推出专门研究青少年心理问题的副修课程,开放给国立教育学院准教师修读,帮助他们应对在未来工作中可能面对的学生心理辅导挑战。 新开设的青年社工与指导副修课程(Minor in Youth Work and Guidance)涵盖常见的年轻人心理障碍课题,包括抑郁症及饮食失调症等,也帮助准教师更了解在面对儿童及青春期少年时可能存在...
Bachelor of Accountancy (Sustainability Management and Analytics) 会计学士学位,可持续发展第二专业 Bachelor of Accountancy with Second Major in Sustainability 会计学士,创业第二专业 Bachelor of Accountancy with Second Major in Entrepreneurship 会计学士学位...
3、Double Degree in Business and Computer Engineering/Computer Science 商业与计算机工程/计算机科学双学位 4、Double Degree in Accountancy and Business with Second Major in Entrepreneurship 会计与商业双学位(辅修创业学) 5、 Double Degree in Accountancy & Business with Minor in International Trading 会计与...
5、 Double Degree in Accountancy & Business with Minor in International Trading 会计与商业双学位(辅修国际贸易) 硕士项目 工商管理类硕士(MBA): 1、Nanyang MBA 南洋工商管理硕士 2、Nanyang Professional MBA 南洋专业工商管理硕士 3、Nanyang Professional MBA(International Trading) 南洋专业工商管理硕士(国...
The collaboration taps on the expertise of both institutes, and seeks to translate research outcomes in fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet-of-Things (IoT), big data analytics and virtual reality (VR) into useful commercial products and services. ...
2015. It conducts some minor fixes. Of LIBSVM. Please check it if you need some functions not supported in LIBSVM. We now have a nice page LIBSVM data sets. Providing problems in LIBSVM format. A practical guide to SVM classification. Mainly written for beginners). To see the importance...