专业:Master o f Science (Managerial Economics) - English (MME-E) 中文:管理经济学硕士 琢磨寄语 1、背景提升: 理想录取未来,背景提升不止。有的同学从大二下学期开始准备留学申请,就常常担忧“现在行动是不是晚了?”。随着年级增大,...
The Master of Science (Managerial Economics) seeks to groom leaders with an acumen in strategic thinking and managerial decision-making in the context of business, government, and society. The programme integrates economic theory with management practice to meet public and private sector challenges. Th...
专业介绍: Master of Science in Managerial Economics (MME-E)aims to develop students in strategic thinking and managerial decision making in the context of business, government and society. Taught in English, the programme builds students’ ability in integrating economic theory with management practice...
系统会在截止日期后关闭,请注意申请期限。 Master of Science (Managerial Economics) 管理经济学硕士(英文授课) The Master of Science (Managerial Economics) seeks to groom leaders with an acumen in strategic thinking and manage...
Master of Science in Managerial Economics (MME-E)aims to develop students in strategic thinking and managerial decision making in the context of business, government and society. Taught in English, the programme builds students’ ability in integrating economic theory with management practice to meet ...
Z同学申请的MME是中文授课项目,它还有一个英文学位课程Master of Science in Managerial Economics (English),学生申请之时已经关闭。MME中文项目的文书比较特殊,PS部分,需要在申请表格中用中文回答三个问题,同时还有两个网申问题,需用英文回答。 虽然是问答形式,但问题都是常规的个人陈述会问到的内容,比如过往经历背...
该专业开设在NTU的公共管理学院,原本只有中文授课,但是今年,学校终于决定再开设一个英文授课班!(此前该消息已有风向,现在终于确定!) 项目基本情况 项目名称:Master of Managerial Economics 所属学院:公共管理学院 入学时间:春季入学在1月,夏季入学在7月 展开剩余 74 % ...
Master of Science (Managerial Economics) 管理经济学硕士(英文授课) The Master of Science (Managerial Economics) seeks to groom leaders with an acumen in strategic thinking and managerial decision-making in the context of business, government, and society. The programme integrates economic theory...
MS in Managerial Economics VH 2024 offer ✓ 捷报1 ✓ 捷报2 ✓ 捷报3 项目介绍 南洋理工大学管理经济学硕士(英文班)旨在培养在商业、政府和社会背景下具有战略思维和管理决策敏锐性的领导者。该方案将经济理论与管理实践相结合,以应对公共和私营部门的挑战。
经济管理学硕士(MSc Managerial Economics(English)) 申请要求:专业不限;TOEFL或IELTS成绩建议分数89+/7+,小分不低于5.5;学制12个月;学费32000新币。 申请截止时间:10月15日招生截止。 14 管理经济学硕士(中文) 申请要求:专业不限;学制12个月;学费32000新币。