于是我昨天晚上痛定思痛, 结合了几个已知的信息源, 将NTU全校所有Graduate课程的信息整合在了一起. 并且用sentence-transformer的embedding计算了选课需求和课程描述的相似度, 这样就可以最简单的实现一个课程推荐系统了. 具体的实现方面: 因为看到服务器那边使用的是ASP, 所以一开始想直接用Selenium模拟. 结果我代码...
先登录学校的GS LINK system,找到你心仪的课程,然后安排好时间表。别忘了double check课程的期末时间,避免时间冲突哦!📝 详细步骤来啦: 1️⃣ 登录学校的GS LINK system,查看课程列表或者直接搜索“NTU graduate students course registration system”。 2️⃣ 选好课程后,就可以开始安排你的时间表啦! 3...
登录系统:首先,打开GS LINK系统,找到你所在program的选课清单。你也可以直接搜索[NTU Graduate Students Course Registration System]。 查看课程时间表:选择你的program后,你可以查看各个课程的时间安排,特别是期末考试时间。建议大家去NTU图书馆查看历年期末考试试卷,或者问问学长学姐,他们对课程难易的判断还是挺靠谱的。
NTU provides a high-quality global education to about 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. The student body includes top scholars and international Olympiad medalists from the region and beyond. NTU MBA Scholarship Contact Details Nanyang Technological University50 Nanyang Avenue,Singapore ...
3.Academic transcripts(from the undergraduate program onwards). Copies of academic records from the first to last semester during the undergraduate and graduate(if applicable) must be provided. These transcripts shall be issued and sealed ...
Undergraduate and graduate applicants can log on the online application system and check the admission result & scholarship information after June 16th, 2023. Language students can log on the online application system and check the admission result a week ...
北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院第一届学生国际学术论坛深度学习驱动电子和通信领域新发展Students’ International Academic ForumThe Application and Development ofDeep Learning in the Field of Electronic Information Engineering1.活动介绍Introdu...
students who successfully complete the requirements specified in the curriculum outline of the program, and meet the graduation requirements of their respective majors are allowed to graduate and receive a graduation certificate. Those who meet the requireme...
70. Although at first Japan didn’t leave a deepimpression( impress) on me, I was gradually attracted by its culture and decided to stay there foranothertwo months aftergraduation(graduate). 尽管一开始日本没有给我留下深刻印象,...
在澳洲就读护理专业(本科/硕士)的最后一年的学生都可以在毕业前的第六周,或者毕业后的2年内,在AHPRA (Australian Health PractitionerRegulation Agency, 澳洲医疗人员管理局)进行网上申请注册。AHPRA Graduate RegistrationApplications毕业后注册护士申请一共有3...