Major Prescribed Elective Multidisciplinary Design Project Engineering Communication Broadening & Deepening Elective Professional Internship Year 4 Final Year Project Broadening & Deepening Elective Major Prescribed Elective Year Broadening & Deepening Elective Broadening & Deepening Elective Course Title Pre‐Requisi...
黄金辉传播学院的May Lwin分享说,作为课程的一部分,FYP(Final-Year Project)旨在为学生提供机会,让他们将所学应用到实际的社会问题中。 “我们的FYP在战略活动、新闻、电影和研究领域都有涉及,与APRW的合作将使我们的FYP得到进一步的发展。” “我们相信,一家公司的成功不仅在于公司本身的成长,还在于我们最为一家...
Engineering Electromagnetics Intro to EEE Design & Project Design & Innovation Project Final Year Project 2 Third Year Prescribed Electives * 2 Design + 3 Technical Prescribed Electives ** Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core Requirements Common Core (17 AUs) Inquiry & Communication in the Inter-Disciplin...
ET0001 Enterprise & Innovation:ET0001企业与创新 YEAR 3 SEMESTER 2:第三年第二学期 CE4079 Final Year Project:CE4079最后一年项目 CE3006 Digital Communications:CE3006数字通信 CE4xxx Technical Elective 2*:CE4xxx技术选修课2 * CE4xxx Technical Elective 3**:CE4xxx技术选修课3 ** CE4xxx Technical Elect...
真的隔6周就是一个final!project超级多!而且比较适合,数学基础加编程基础较好的朋友,因为学到后面非常多的数学推导。”(来源一亩三分地) 校友B(2017年入学):“NTU MFE是三学期制的,每个学期分为两个小学期,简而言之,每个小学期大概是7周。课表中带E的都是可以选择的选修课,其他是必修。课程设置由浅入深,...
BROWNS RANGE PROJECT A number of significant achievements during the year have put the Browns Range Project at the forefront in the race to be the world’s next significant source of high value dysprosium. The Project is on a pathway to production by 2016. This schedule has been supported ...
Purpose:To encourage outstanding graduates or final year students to take their first step towards a leading research career by studying for a PhD at NTU. Eligibility:First Class Honours degree or equivalent at Bachelor’s level. If one has not yet completed undergraduate degree programme, one wil...
1. Complete this Form (in BLOCK LETTERS) and return to: Graduate Studies Office, Nanyang Technological University 42 Nanyang Avenue, Student Services Centre, Level 3, Singapore 639815 Final year undergraduates and graduates of NTU should submit their applications directly to their respective Schools. ...
In addition to the aboverequirements, all short‐listed applicants must take a self‐monitored screening test, comprising two translation and two interpretation tasks in Chinese and English and submit their answers by the deadline given. The final selection of candidates will be determined based on ...
transport expert - Team Leader. Timber Trade Flows within, to and from South America. Ex-post evaluation of the project "Support to the Strategic Environmental Assessment in Chile". Of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Reform Programme (WSSSRP), Nigeria. Final evaluation of the ...