国内读博士:必须有硕士学位。在境外获得的学位证书须通过教育部留学服务中心的认证,报名时提交认证书参加统一考试。一般是按照同等学力报考对待。多数学校要求提供核心期刊发表的论文3篇以上。如果没有论文,复试通过的机率很小。如果你本科不是计算机科学与技术,读computer science确实有很大难度。在国外,c...
Sustainability: Human Society Economic & Environment / Science Career & Entrepreneurial Development for the Future World Broadening & Deepening Elective Software Engineering Introduction to Database Computer Networks Artificial Intelligence Science & Technology for Humanity / Sustainability: Human Broadening & De...
“区块链技术理学硕士”是由新加坡南洋理工大学工学院(College of Engineering)和商学院(Nanyang Business School)联合举办,计算金融研究中心(NTU Centre in Computational Technologies for Finance)承办,计算机科学与工程学院(School of Computer Scie...
申请要求: 专业背景要求:4年本科学位,较好的数理背景,如mathematics, statistics, economic, finance, computer science, engineering, physical sciences。 语言要求:官网最低要求TOEFL85或IELTS6.0。 GMAT/GRE要求:不要求。 截止时间: 提前批:...
The college offers Four-year B.Tech regular programmer in the disciplines of Civil Engineering (CE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Chemical Engineering (ChE). The adm...
and a member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs. In the QS World University Rankings 2025,Nanyang Technological University is ranked 15th in the world, 5th in the world for Materials Science, 9th in the world for Computer Information Science and 10th in the world...
专业背景要求:4年本科学位,较好的数理背景,如mathematics, statistics, economic, finance, computer science, engineering, physical sciences。 语言要求:官网最低要求TOEFL85或IELTS6.0。 GMAT/GRE要求:不要求。 截止时间: 提前批: 7月 常规轮次: 31 January 智友案例: W同学,对外经济贸易大学,金融工程,GPA89,IELT...
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) 0、更新记录 2023年8月入学,现NTU MSAI(人工智能硕士)在读。 第一学期已结束,鉴于MSAI是近年来新开的专业,知乎上似乎没有太多关于NTU MSAI专业就读体验分享。先来占个坑,后续大概会写一写课程测评,对于这个专业的看法,顺带记录日常。 2023.11.27(占坑) ...
Free Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare Get Started with OCW. VIEW ALL 1800 COURSES. Media Arts and Sciences. Urban Studies and Planning. Civil and Environmental Engineering. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Materials Science and Engineering. Nuclear Science and Engineering. Health...