SpringCard M519 with idProduct: 0x621A WCMi SD5931 parse: create output.bin file udev: Disable USB-persist for CCID devices configure: fail if flex is not found Some other minor improvements1.5.2 - 31 January 2023, Ludovic RousseauAdd support of KAPELSE KAP-LINK LDU LANDI Sensyl SSC-H...
For more information visit www.intechopen.com Chapter 2 WWhheeaatt SSeennssiittiivviittyy ttoo NNiittrrooggeenn SSuuppppllyy uunnddeerr DDiiffffeerreenntt Climatic Conditions Veres Szilvia, Ondrasek Gabrijel and Zsombik László AAddddiittiioonnaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iiss aavvaaii...
">131 NOV接触器 30157674-32-RT,CONTACTOR</span><br><span style="font-size:14px;">132 NOV互感器 0100-3600-38</span><br><span style="font-size:14px;">133 VARCO油泵电机 109755-2</span><br><span style="font-size:14px;">134 VARCO华高 马达30158011</span><br><span style="font-...
rthi.chem2013@gmail.com * aCarothrrie.cshpeomnd2e0n13ce@:gams8a7il8.2co2@mgmail.com; Tel.: +96-3428-4830 * Correspondence: as87822@gmail.com; Tel.: +96-3428-4830 Academic Editor: Eleni Skaltsa RAecceaidveemd:ic25EdAiptorril: 2E0le1n7;i ASkcacletpsated: 27 June 2017; ...
it 3 3 DeDpeaprtamrtemnet notf oCfaCrdaridovioavsacsucluarla arnadn dMMetaebtaobliocl iDc iDseisaesaesse, sI,RICRCCSC MS Mulutilmtimedeidcaic, aS,eSsetost oSaSna nGiGoivoavnannin Ii‐2I-02009099,9 , ItaIltya;l yst; esftaenfaon.goe.gneonvoev...
Table 3. IdentificFaatcioen1number and ratio for multipFleacuese2rs with the proposed algorithFmac.e 3 Distance (m) Distance (m) 1.000 1.5010.000 2.0010.500 2.50220..050000 3.0030.000 3.5030.500 Random Random Detection Detection Number Face 1 Ratio D7N0eut/e7mc0tbieorn D1eRt.e0act0...