NTT DOCOMO Inc (NTT DOCOMO), a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, provides a wide range of telecommunication services like wireless networks, satellite telecommunications, and mobile devices. It serves customers in Japan via advanced wireless networks, including a nationwide LTE ne...
公眾無線上網 Namikiteru (ナミキテル) 在手機正在興起的時候很榮辛加入當時地表最先進的日本大手通訊商 NTT DOCOMO。當時 NTT DOCOMO 夾帶著在 iMode 上的 Know-how 和無線通訊的應用,想在美國開發新的業務和方案。2004年選擇在紐約開始推出第一波公眾無線上網(Public W-LAN)服務叫 Namikiteru (ナミキテル)。
日本NTT Docomo, Inc.宣布,鉴于近期的商业环境,为了集中管理资源,将于2024年4月10日暂停旗下电子竞技联赛品牌“X-MOMENT”的运营。自2020年起主办RJL的X-MOMENT的离开会怎么影响日本的彩虹六号电竞生态,备 - Zeb于20240131发布在抖音,已经收获了21个喜欢,来抖音,记录
NTT DOCOMO, INC. calls upon Fujitsu to build and operate new cloud infrastructure The Japan-based mobile giant launched its Mobile Secure Desktop, as a new virtualized desktop service based on Fujitsu technology. The customer Country: Japan Industry: Mobile communications carrier Employees: 11,053 ...
东京--(美国商业资讯)--东芝公司(Toshiba Corporation, TOKYO:6502)今天宣布,该公司开发的一款腕带活动和健康监测器已于今天通过NTT Docomo,Inc.推出。这款监测器整合了低功耗Bluetooth® 4.0,可与显示监测活动内容的智能手机应用进行信息同步。这款产品让追踪日常活动变得与佩戴腕带一样简单。
NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com)与NTT DOCOMOINC. (DOCOMO)北陆区域办事处与金泽市于3月16日共同举办了以“连接”为主题的数字活动,庆祝北陆新干线金泽至敦贺段新线开通。“连接”是NTT Group创新光纤与无线网络(IOWN)概念的关键组成部分。 1
J-Phone 九州集团公司 NTT Docomo 九州株式会社 J-Phone是vodafone在日本的连锁
NTT DOCOMO, Inc., a leading mobile telecommunications carrier, has been using Amazon Redshift from Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its company-wide common integrated data analysis platform since 2014. The total data volume amounts to 6 PB, and more than 2,600 analysts use it for various analys...