PRRP-immunoreactivity (-IR) colocalized with a subset of CalcrNTSneurons (Supplementary Fig.1D). Despite the incomplete recombination ofRosa26eGFP-L10amediated byCalcrcre, the majority of PRRP-IR colocalized withCalcr-expressing neurons in the NTS (PRRP + Calcr/PRRP: 61 + /−5%,...
Prey selection by naticid gastropods: experimental tests and application to the fossil record Paleobiology, 7 (4) (1981), pp. 533-552 Google Scholar Knights, 2012 A.M. Knights Spatial variation in body size and reproductive condition of subtidal mussels: considerations for sustainable management ...
Fortu- nately, the source region of the January 21 event was cov- ered by the GNSS site. Therefore, the estimated source locations of the January 21 event were more accurate than those of the July 2 event. The PDF distribution of the source location for the January 21 event slightly ...
Ainslie (1992,2001) and Livnat and Pippenger (2006) described self-control (or the lack of it) in the face of delayed rewards as the result of competition between various “interests.” Some of the interests are more future oriented—more prudent—others more impulsive. This is the scenario...
whichhecouldnotreasonablyhavetakenat leastoneofthefollowingmeasures: (A)preventlossordamagetophysical propertyfromoccurringbytaking appropriatemeasures,or (B)insuresuchlossordamage. C.Clauses21-30 Sub-Clause21.1(WB-M)Addthefollowingwordsatofsubparas.(a)and Insuranceofimmediaybeforethelastwordofsubpara.(...
This paper reports the preliminary results of a comparative analysis of the effects of three consolidants on the color appearance of fresco paint layers affected by lack of cohesion. In vitro assays were performed with a laboratory-synthesized nanolime,
(Figure Processes 2021, 9, 1492 of R1G.0 O/TiO2 NTs photoelectrode is 63%, indicating that the degradati9oonf 1e2fficienc RGO modified TiO2 NTs photoelectRrGoOd/TeiOh2 NaTssbeen significantly improved (Figure 0.8 TiO2 NTs 1.0 0.6 RGO/TiO2 NTs 0.8 TiO2 NTs 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.0 0 0.2 ...