The cutoff for each stage of the RRB NTPC Recruitment 2024 will be declared along with their results on the official website. Candidates appearing for this examination must see theRRB NTPC Cut-offof previous years, to get an idea of the safe score required to crack the examination. ...
Q. How can we get the best information regarding Static General Knowledge? A.The best information regarding static GK can be obtained from the previous year question paper. Q. Which is the best book for Logical reasoning in the RRB NTPC exam? A.A New Approach To Reasoning Verbal & Non-Ve...
Candidates can check to know the previous ALP Cutoff.Q. When will the RRB Siliguri Result release for the NTPC post?A. The RRB NTPC CBT 1 result will be released on the official website.Q. When will the RRB release the Ministerial & Isolated Result?A. The RRB ...
–RRB cut-off for the post of ALP & Technician is already released; candidates can check RRB ALP Cutoff.–RRB NTPC cut-off for the previous year is already released; candidates can check RRB NTPC Cutoff.–RRB Bilaspur Junior Engineer cut-off will be released along with the RRB JE Cutoff...