{True,False} NTP enable status -PRE PREFERREDNTPSERVER preferred NTP server address -ALT ALTERNATENTPSERVER alternative NTP server address -MIN MINPOLLINGINTERVAL minimum NTP synchronization interval. the value ranges from 3 to 17 -MAX MAXPOLLINGINTERVAL maximum NTP synchronization interval. the value ...
root@server ~$ firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=123/udp success root@server ~$ firewall-cmd --reload success root@server ~$ 完事儿,再试一下客户端同步,成功 1 2 root@haha777 ~$ ntpdate -u 18 Nov 18:40:56 ntpdate[3336]: steptimeserver offset 722111999.385...
The packet exchange takes place until a NTP server is accepted as a synchronization source, which take about five minutes. The NTP daemon tries to adjust the clock in small steps and will continue until the client gets the accurate time. If the delay between both the server and client is ...
centos配置ntp服务 no server suitable for synchronization foundcentosntp客户端配置 RHCE 系列(十):在 RHEL/CentOS7 中设置NTP(网络时间协议)服务器 网络时间协议 -NTP- 是运行在传输层 123 号端口的 UDP 协议,它允许计算机通过网络同步准确时间。随着时间的流逝,计算机内部时间会出现漂移,这会导致时间不一致问题,...
配置ntp-service synchronization acl xxx可以关闭掉mode6/7功能。(只能在仅作为server的设备上使用,在NTP客户端使用会导致无法从外部同步时间) b. 如果目标设备需要作为NTP Client(从外部同步时间) :在目标设备上配置ntp-service peer acl xxx ,将下游ntp client(从目标设备同步时间)和上游ntp server(向目标设备...
27 Oct 10:32:36ntpdate[7318]: no server suitable for synchronization found 1. 2. 时间同步并没有成功,原因是在服务端我们开启了防火墙,关闭防火墙: [root@Geeklp201 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld 1. 如果使用的是iptables防火墙,那么也是需要关闭的: ...
By default, ESXi/ESX uses NTPv4 but some NTP sources use NTPv3. The version mismatch leads to a synchronization failure. To resolve this, you must update the/etc/ntp.conffile to include the version you wish to use. To update the/etc/ntp.conffile: ...
server端:ubuntu 14.04内网 client端:arm64 ntp服务器搭建 在外网环境下载ntp及其依赖的deb包 sudo apt...
Permit time synchronization with our time source, but do not permit the source to query or modify the service on this system. restrict default nomodify notrap nopeer noquery Permit all access over the loopback interface. This could be tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of ...
# Enable kernel synchronization of the real-time clock (RTC). rtcsync # Enable hardware timestamping on all interfaces that support it. #hwtimestamp * # Increase the minimum number of selectable sources required to adjust # the system clock. ...